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Finals in 3 games, or 2 games to keep fans happy?

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From: lamchops

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215917.2 in reply to 215917.1
Date: 5/8/2012 10:51:36 PM
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Honestly, if you promote, the fans will be very happy. I did that last season and still experienced the full promotion bonus. I'd say it worth it.

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215917.3 in reply to 215917.1
Date: 5/9/2012 1:10:53 AM
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As long as you give out free bobble heads of Rustam Tagirov at the third game I think the fans will forgive you.

But even if you don't, I don't think it will be too big of a hit to your fan happiness so long as you win the championship.

From: Rino

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215917.4 in reply to 215917.1
Date: 5/9/2012 4:55:29 PM
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i doubt there will be an impact for next season if you play a tie-breaker or not. your fans will be delighted the same amount whether you win in 2 or 3 matches :)

because of losing an away game (2nd game) your arena income for the third match may not be as good as the first game, but still its better than zero income which would be the case if you win the series in two matches.

next time if you happen to be in this situation (extremely dominant in the finals) try losing 1st game and winning the others for maximum income ;)

Last edited by Rino at 5/9/2012 4:57:23 PM

From: Timbo4
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215917.5 in reply to 215917.4
Date: 5/10/2012 6:43:34 PM
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Thanks so much for the input everyone. I'm going to try and take the series to three games. And we'll definitely have a Rustam Tagirov bobble head night next season. That's always a fan favorite.