I would spend the next season doing single position training in pressure, passing and outside shooting during weeks when you have 3 games. Pressure trains OD, and small amount of ID, handling (HA), driving (DR). Passing trains passing (PA) of course, with smaller increases in HA, DR. Outside shooting trains jump range (JR), with some jump shot (JS).
Then in weeks where you only have 2 games (first week of the new season, allstar week if you are out of the cup, final week(s) of season), I would train something like jump shot, or One on One (1v1). JS will train JS, some JR, very small HA/DR. 1v1 will train HA, DR, and some JS, if you do it at the guards position. If you do 1v1 at forwards position, you get the same HA/DR training, but you gain some inside shot (IS) training. That IS training comes at the expense of JS training, which is lower than 1v1 guards.
For more about training start here:
(144856.30)Then be sure to study this:
(78242.1) Then go here for even more accurate descriptions of how much each skill gets increased with each training type
(203921.1)Next, ask any and all questions you have! We all started out not knowing much about BB, especially in terms of training. So ask, and people will be happy to help (it's one of the best things about Buzzerbeater, the great community).