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Help in training

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From: CrazyEye

To: Omri
This Post:
216000.2 in reply to 216000.1
Date: 5/10/2012 10:06:23 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
yes one position training is faster then 2 position training(i guess around 30-40%), so you would train faster in the one position week indepent from the weeks before or after.

The training depends on the minute played on the mentioned positions, not on the positions displayed at the player page.

From: Omri

This Post:
216000.3 in reply to 216000.2
Date: 5/10/2012 11:01:21 AM
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You got me wrong, what i meant is if i train 2 position and after a week swich to one postion but on the same attribute, will it keep the process or it will re-start?

Thanks and sorry for my English :)

From: CrazyEye

To: Omri
This Post:
216000.4 in reply to 216000.3
Date: 5/10/2012 11:18:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
even when you don't see ups on your player he got better, so the progress is always saved and has already an effect on the game.

From: Omri

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216000.5 in reply to 216000.4
Date: 5/10/2012 1:57:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
ah i didn't knew that. thank you!