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Training went wrong

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220193.2 in reply to 220193.1
Date: 6/15/2012 11:55:34 AM
Springfield Storm
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yes from cross-training, Outside shooting trains Jump range and jump shot so yes it can be right.

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220193.3 in reply to 220193.2
Date: 6/15/2012 1:04:41 PM
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I thought it only trained jump range, and jump shot trained jump shot.

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220193.5 in reply to 220193.2
Date: 6/16/2012 4:37:25 PM
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You have the right idea , but sorry to be pedantic but its not 'cross training' as you say , its secondary training. Other examples of this include ID being trained with pressure. Cross training would be rebounding being trained a small amount with an unrelated skill such as passing.