If anyone lives in Colorado in the USA or nearby.
If anyone lives in Colorado in the USA or nearby.Thats kinda uninformative Colorado USA or nearby theres a couple things in there no one knows where you live so whats nearby,and USA is rather large and doesn't fit with the rest,just saying,lol
If anyone lives in Colorado in the USA or nearby.Thats kinda uninformative Colorado USA or nearby theres a couple things in there no one knows where you live so whats nearby,and USA is rather large and doesn't fit with the rest,just saying,lolI would definitely edit it to "Boulder, Colorado or the Northern Hemisphere".
Do I want to have my wife making hot dogs for 40 people using our pool?
If anyone lives in Colorado in the USA or nearby. Post in here, we can try and organize some event, IRL thing, food, basketball games, etc.