on your manage my team page you are looking at the training minutes summary. all this does is tell you how many minutes each of your players has at the training position you have selected for the week. id strongly recommend learning how training works. Friday lunchtimes are generally when the training updates happen for us and is the chance to see how your players have improved given the training you have selected. 48+ means the player has received enough minutes to get full training this week at the position you have chosen. players who receive less than that by friday only receive a smaller % of the full training. There is no advantage to giving a player more playing time at the training position once he reaches 48+ for the week.
For game shape, i find a handy page is to go to "set your line up" and click "weekly player statistics".
ive copied a bit of mine below (sorry pasting tables doesnt work well on this forum)
Weekly Player Statistics: Week 01/09/2012 - 07/09/2012 MIN
Elliot Moyse 81
Robbie Harris 77
Alberto Vigo 72
Andrew Guest 70
James Gascoigne 70
Bosco Ahearne 68
Ty Raftery 67
Radomir Garczarek 65
Yiorgos Tatsidis 57
Dezider Bukuš 57
Anton Dunn 44
James Carruthers 30
OK so it shows Moyse and Harris received over 72 minutes which is generally too much basketball in one week and their gameshape may suffer as a result. Vigo down to Grarczarek got 5 to 6 quarters of basketball (60-72mins) and this is perfect, so this will improve their gameshape. Tatsidis/Bukus at 57 mins isnt bad but not great, but poor old Carruthers and towelboy Dunn got so few minutes (<48) that their gameshape will almost certainly drop a level or two this week.
Proficient is the best game shape you can get and then strong scond best. Good game shape management will leave all your players on strong/proficient every week. Your gameshape is most affected by your last weeks minutes (once it is updated with training) but the previous 2 or 3 weeks minutes also have a smaller impact on gameshape. this means that it is important to consistently play your players between 5 and 6 quarters of bball each week.
Your cup games/ scrimmages count towards your minutes for the week for game shape and training purposes.
If you enter a friendly league (as a supporter) this doesnt affect GS/training minutes.
One level of game shape between players is like a level or two in their skills in terms of performance on court so GS management is very important. a well managed team of players on low 5-15k salaries in proficient gameshape could probably beat a team of players with much higher salaries (30-40k) on respectable or worse game shape, all other things being equal. The numbers here on salaries on performance arent backed up by solid evidence but are to demonstrate the point and are based on my judgement from experience.
Enthusiasm management is another good thing to look at over time and can make games you'd lose by ten or more close, or close games win by ten etc.
good luck