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Red Names

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22671.2 in reply to 22671.1
Date: 4/4/2008 12:08:19 AM
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I'm sorry, I feel like this should be obvious but I can't find the answer.

During a game, watching it live.. what does it mean when one of your players name is in red? I guess injury based on the context but I don't know. Any information would be appreciated.

This was really frustrating because today was my first game that I got to design (logged in for the first time during the last game) and I was trying to get 2 specific players up to 48 minutes played for the training. My guy got subbed at 32 minutes and never put back in, even though it was set on pick from the depth chart and he was only the choice for that position. (The coach subbed guys that weren't even on the depth chart at all). If it's an injury, fine.. but I don't know and I can't figure out how to see it.

The red indicates an injury.

If the player is not still injured, that indicates it was a game-only injury.

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Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
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22671.3 in reply to 22671.2
Date: 4/4/2008 12:09:13 AM
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Ha, just my luck. Thanks :-)

This Post:
22671.4 in reply to 22671.1
Date: 4/7/2008 7:44:03 AM
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If it's an injury, fine.. but I don't know and I can't figure out how to see it.

It is indeed hard to see if you do not know what it is.
Unfortunatly you can not scroll in the game-events, and many times you will miss it, since right after there will be some lines of substitutions, and the line telling you about the injury is often quickly gone. You cannot scroll back a few lines to read what happened...
If you view to replay of the game, you can skip to the time right before the injury happened, and try to see if you can get the moment it happened to see what happened.

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