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Help with training

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From: rcvaz

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228413.2 in reply to 228413.1
Date: 10/15/2012 11:46:23 AM
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You don't have to decide right now what he's going to be. Making him a balanced SF will be tougher, since you have to train those inside skills on a 6'4'' guy. In any case, he can always be an outside-oriented SF. I would suggest giving him some 1on1 for forwards training. It boosts a few secondaries, including inside shot.

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228413.3 in reply to 228413.1
Date: 10/15/2012 3:43:04 PM
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JS for SF/PF, play him as an SF for minutes purposes is one route. one on one for SF/PF would work too.

regardless of which role you select, IS is an important secondary IMO.

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228413.4 in reply to 228413.3
Date: 10/15/2012 3:51:32 PM
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JS for SF/PF is not recommended. JS training is slower than with JS guards, and IS doesn't train fast enough to compensate. Besides, right now you're best off doing single-position training, like OD at PG (which it seems you've been doing), PA at PG, or IS/ID at C. You don't have other trainees who would benefit from two-position training like JS or REB.

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228413.5 in reply to 228413.4
Date: 10/15/2012 4:13:52 PM
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So you guys suggest training is secondaries, because i have to do that at some point either way, but making him a PG in the long run?

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228413.6 in reply to 228413.5
Date: 10/15/2012 4:22:51 PM
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If you train secondaries, he will be able to play SF especially at the D.IV/D.V level, but yes, long-term he's probably more of a point guard for a Look Inside offense (LI) rather than a pure SF.

From: Knowledge

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228413.8 in reply to 228413.7
Date: 10/15/2012 8:52:13 PM
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Why not train JS what if he builds a team that plays outside instead of Look Inside. JS is as important as the others. I agree too much JS is a bad thing but too low is also.

From: Knowledge

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228413.10 in reply to 228413.9
Date: 10/15/2012 9:10:06 PM
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It depends on the type of player he wants to build and will befeit his team.

From: Knowledge

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228413.12 in reply to 228413.11
Date: 10/15/2012 9:21:05 PM
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That's what beneifit his team meant.
