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Trainees - 18 Bigmen

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261712.2 in reply to 261712.1
Date: 7/28/2014 7:19:07 PM
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I think 1v1 is a good start for them! Training bigs can get pretty expensive, so I would spend a lot of time on secondaries for them before moving to primaries, as they will be better overall bigs in the future and not cost as much salary wise every week. I think after 1v1, you could move onto OD and ID for awhile. With their height and potential they could be some very nice cornerstones for your team!

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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261712.3 in reply to 261712.2
Date: 7/28/2014 11:55:05 PM
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You said training ID as well. Does ID not raise the salary as much as training IS?

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261712.4 in reply to 261712.1
Date: 7/29/2014 3:39:49 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Yeah a few weeks of 1v1 is a good starting point for your training. Like said, training secondaries is a smart thing to do when your trainee is young and trains fast, and you won't miss him on his primary position since he's not good anyway (as opposed to playing a 50k center at PG, you'll miss him at C). Your first guy actually has pretty good DR/HA already, and with some Passing training they will be around 10. Get OD up too, so you have the hardest to train secondaries at a good level right away. JS can be trained later from the PF position.

Once done with the secondaries I'd start with ID so your guy can at least defend and with the good passing he won't be too much of a weak link on offense.

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261712.5 in reply to 261712.3
Date: 7/29/2014 4:35:42 AM
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No, I think it raises it about the same. The difference is if your trainee can defend well, he can play in higher leagues and in more games rather than being a liability. Easier to make up offense than defense, which is why defense is usually suggested before offense for training. Or at least that is my belief along with many other people.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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261712.7 in reply to 261712.1
Date: 7/30/2014 3:55:40 AM
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ok im gonna buck the trend of the advice given here.

You are in Div IV. and you have MVP trainee's. who are 7'0 and 7'1.

And are 18.

You can't ignore primary skills forever. So unless you are planning on moving up 2 divisons in th next few seasons, train the primaries and then sell them. They are MVP potential, so you are looking at having a $150k+ Salary big man in about 5 seasons time.

yes - train 1n1 for forwards, but really, financially, its pointless to try and limit their salary for MVP potential players. Train them to be good players to sell. Oterwise you are wasting their potential and height.

On the other hand, if you ARE plannign on being in Div II in 3-4 seasons time (hehe go for it!) - then. train ID and SB. You could get away with Respectable Driving whilst in div IV (and possibly in Div III). After that, you will need to bump it a bit.

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261712.8 in reply to 261712.7
Date: 7/30/2014 5:19:52 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I think with good secondaries trained and overall good training they'll sell for a lot more than if you were to sell them now.

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261712.11 in reply to 261712.10
Date: 7/30/2014 5:32:39 PM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Yeah, and everyone is advising against that. Most are advising to train secondaries first to avoid that problem and to increase market value, while the alternative that has been advised to sell right away. No-one said train primaries endlessly.

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261712.12 in reply to 261712.10
Date: 7/31/2014 12:23:05 AM
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That's very good for top teams in rebuild and some bottom teams too if they work the starting bidding prices right..I think its a matter of what your trying to do. Sell or keep(build)

Primes for selling.. seconds for keeping. That how I look at it.

The op has good players. They will get expensive, I assume he plays them both at same time, so he will going up.
