1) If there is a shortage, I will fill with players who can defend, pass and don't loose the ball too often. So, OD as much as possible and at least 8 in both pass and handling.
2) For the HoF, I'll ask the national coach if he want to supervise him as the player can enter the national squad at the end of the formation. But if in the end it's still me the scout, I will ask to have a coach of level 5 at minimum, 6 is better. If the owner doesn't want, I will ask the owner to sell the player considering his high potential. If the owner is agree to have a good coach, I will ask him to train his inside-skill allround (both IS,ID,RB & SB). I will ask him also to give him few weeks of passing training. 6 or 7 in pass will be great for U21 squad.
For the FP, I will try to have smthg like this at the end of U21 formation:
JS 3 JR 4
OD 4 HA 5
DR 3 PA 7
IS 9 ID 14
RB 14 SB 15
ST 5 FT 3
So the owner will have some marging to add outside skill when the player have more than 21 years.
And yes, I know IS is not so good but my priority is to have a squad who can defend so ID, RB and SB is needed in my opinion. Yes, also SB. In fact, I'm a SB and 3-2 zone believer. (as the new champion of France)
Last edited by mplume at 1/25/2015 6:46:07 AM