That example is for auctions that were still open, so that doesn't apply to this, an auction that has already ended.
As for your comment about the heavy calculations, we'd need to completely shut down the transfer list for weeks then. The calculations are running starting last Monday and we don't really know how much longer it will be. Maybe a week, maybe two. They don't always affect the site this way, but when they do, it's not really predictable, so we can't push the transfers when we don't know if and when that will happen.
As for the auction starting price, as everything else in this game, it's a trade off: if you put a low starting price, you're betting on having a bid war and getting a high price for you player BUT you're risking not having one and selling for peanuts. The alternative is to always put a minimum acceptable price for the player as a starting price. This is the only way to really be protected. Saying that everybody does it all the time is ludicrous. Would you jump off a cliff if everybody did? We have warned everyone about this many times yet people still do it. Most people take responsibility for it, and so should you.
While we try to keep the site stable as much as it is possible, we don't guarantee site stability. The fact is that we can't guarantee it. If we did, we would be lying as unexpected things happen all the time and things happen that are beyond our control. What we can do is to advise against risky behavior, and we do. What you do after that and what happens if your risk doesn't pay off is solely up to you.