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BB Australia > Hello BB Australia

Hello BB Australia

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From: Jay (OTT)

To: iwen
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274205.2 in reply to 274205.1
Date: 11/6/2015 1:14:06 AM
Kira Kira Koseki
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Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
Thanks for making a thread, was getting depressing seeing the relative lack of activity in the national forum recently. I was going to make another National News thread but my computer froze up when I was over half done.

Most recent changes have been relatively minor. The option to train any position in any skill, albeit with effectiveness penalties, was the last 'big' change back in season 29. Tweaks in the last three off-seasons have been more focused on balancing certain aspects of the or visual improvements.

Oh, and everyone costs a fortune on the transfer market these days. Also, Division IV is no longer a thing in Australia as for the time being there are too few users for anyone to demote from Division III. So there's a need to get the BuzzerBeater name out there to replenish our user base, but with the rise of that pesky AdBlock cutting off the easiest way to increase an online games exposure, and action games being the hip and cool thing, BB may be a difficult spot right now.

Here's hoping that BB can re-gain the user levels it once had someday. This game is way to good to deserve to fall below 20k users... the good news is that most of the Australian old guard are still around in one way or another. Bryce in particular just won his first national trophy in 14 seasons. Sid is rebuilding, Aussie is about to start a rebuild, mllama, whitebeard and koop are all in the ABBL also... if we can just get new users and convince them to stay BB Australia will be in good shape.

Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 11/6/2015 2:07:13 AM

This Post:
274205.3 in reply to 274205.1
Date: 11/6/2015 7:29:26 AM
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yer the user base has essentially halved in about 2 years - BUT has been stable at about 20k-22k users for the past 6 months or therebouts, so its reached a settling point.

there is a massive inflation issue. probably due a result of people 'tanking' consistently and a supply issue. This is - i feel, reaching a critical mass, where in some other countries, the user base has declined much bigger than here in Australia.

Training is a little different. better i feel.

Draft is still annoying.
Tactically - i think that definitely there has been a shit away from LI and M2M as standard defenses. There are an ever increasing number of users playing the game 'just to see if i can win using Princeton' i guess is the way i would put it.

personally ive been experimenting with 2-3 and 3-2 zones and the effect of shot blocking - that and also Princeton/II/OO offenses.
'Winning' for me, is less of a motivation at the moment. 'Discovery' and trial is very much keeping me in the game, albeit less actively than previous years.

From: iwen
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274205.4 in reply to 274205.3
Date: 11/9/2015 1:32:38 AM
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Thanks for the perspective guys. I will see what the draft and market brings me... I haven't had a good draft pick in over 10 seasons...

From: Ezyfrag
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274205.5 in reply to 274205.4
Date: 2/6/2016 10:11:46 PM
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Omg Im back guys!!! gonna have another crack and see what happens, will take a couple of seasons to build up finanances tho

This Post:
274205.6 in reply to 274205.5
Date: 2/7/2016 3:58:11 AM
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It takes time to develop a sustainable empire

This Post:
274205.7 in reply to 274205.5
Date: 2/7/2016 5:14:14 AM
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Welcome back Ezyfrag. I did the same as you, went bot and decided to create a new team.
See ya round' man

This Post:
274205.8 in reply to 274205.7
Date: 2/9/2016 12:37:16 AM
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Hey, welcome back dude.

I have no idea what happens in BB anymore, I've just been training 1 young kid, and I'll likely train a couple more... Have a squillion dollars and making bulk profit at the moment and just have no motivation to "try".

From: Ezyfrag
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274205.9 in reply to 274205.7
Date: 2/14/2016 12:54:16 AM
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With any luck I will have a better legacy this time!!! I will be again trying for a NT hero!!

This Post:
274205.10 in reply to 274205.9
Date: 2/15/2016 8:49:26 PM
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Welcome back everybody, good to see everyone still here or having another go, good ole aussie spirit.

This Post:
274205.11 in reply to 274205.10
Date: 5/8/2016 2:11:00 PM
KK Osvetnici
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
I have a non-BB question, please do not delete it :)
Could anyone help me with prices of basic telecommunication services in Australia?
home phone rate per minute
mobile phone rate per minute
basic internet package
basic iptv service

I would be really thankfull :)
