In fact I don't have a clear opinion regarding my own suggestion ! :)
I hear you and your answers, and can't stand against it. Facts are facts.
It s just that I won't be shocked if what I said or something similar came into the game... this is how it works IRL in french national cup for exemple (except for the "scoring advantage" which is closer)
This is just a suggestion like this, no interests to defend it.
More the game is realistic more it is interesting for me; that's only why I thought about it.
I also thought of the exemple of a newbie who makes an upset and could be easily more interested in BB...
If people find it good and want to discuss this subject it could be something to focus on, if it's not, and if I'm the only one to think it could be a good idea, trust me, I'll put myself in question! ;) nevermind to me!