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What and how should I train?

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28592.2 in reply to 28592.1
Date: 5/6/2008 3:19:43 PM
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Player 1's lack of jump shot is pretty painful, but seeing that the skillset of the group demands JS training, its manageable. Long-term, it'll hurt his value and could limit your training options but on the whole you have a trainable group.

As for skill rotation, I'll tell you my guard training plan:
3 weeks One on One (for HN, DV, JS)
3 weeks Pressure (OD)
3 weeks Passing (PS, HN, DV)
3 weeks Outside Shooting (JR, JS, HN, DV)

This way, I train all the important guard skills. You'll probably want to mix in some jump shot training this season or next in place of either One on One or Outside Shooting. Do not skimp on the defence and passing training.

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28592.3 in reply to 28592.2
Date: 5/6/2008 9:14:40 PM
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Very interesting advice, The Phil.

With Training in such a manner, I saw this in the rules:

"For example, a great inside defender and rebounder will find it easier to improve his shot blocking than a poor inside defender and poor rebounder would."]

Meaning that skills improve quicker when similar skills are already high. In this instance, do you do 3 consecutive weeks of a particular training type before switching -- or is it better to do 1 week of each, but rotate?

Perhaps it doesn't matter and I'm overanalyzing?

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28592.4 in reply to 28592.3
Date: 5/7/2008 5:23:16 AM
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if the player got all similiar skills maybe a one week rotation ain't bad, but if the player got less handling then driving maybe its better just to train handling and don't train one on one... (but one on one should be a genious training for guards, so maybe i take the wrong example but i think you know what i'm meaning)

But you normaly train more players and if they don't have the same weaknesses, and then it's better to rotate to keep the failure and the skilldifference small, and for this it was regardless if you take 1-3 weeks i think, maybe one is a bit better(in average) but it's more difficult to handle.

From: Tivoli
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28592.5 in reply to 28592.4
Date: 5/7/2008 5:37:30 AM
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Thanks for the answers! That really helps me a lot. but there are still some little questions left: ;)

- I´ll train always the PG and SG positions to have more trainee slots, makes that sence or should I switch, if its possible, to only PG training?

- if I´ll have up to 6 training positions a week, should a buy a 5th trainee? Or is it to difficult to manage 48 minutes for everyone?

Thanks again,


This Post:
28592.6 in reply to 28592.5
Date: 5/7/2008 7:01:40 AM
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Thanks for the answers! That really helps me a lot. but there are still some little questions left: ;)

- I´ll train always the PG and SG positions to have more trainee slots, makes that sence or should I switch, if its possible, to only PG training?

- if I´ll have up to 6 training positions a week, should a buy a 5th trainee? Or is it to difficult to manage 48 minutes for everyone?

Thanks again,


If the 5th trainee is of similar skill then should be easy to manage 5 players.. you may even consider a 6th (20/21yr old) as he should also get 30mins a week if you train correctly.

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28592.7 in reply to 28592.6
Date: 5/7/2008 8:05:49 AM
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ok. I´ll try it.

This Post:
28592.8 in reply to 28592.4
Date: 5/7/2008 12:41:22 PM
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One on One is the training of choice for handling and driving, since training driving gives 80% training of handling (the skills are very similar). A recent report in the Training Speed Analysis thread had it also taking three weeks to train a level of jump shot.

As for whether to rotate every week or three weeks, some people have reported very good results with changing training every week. Historically, I've stuck to training in blocks of weeks but I may mix it up this season.

I also have five trainees. I've almost always gotten the full 48 on all of them and if they've missed out, its usually by around two minutes.

This Post:
28592.9 in reply to 28592.8
Date: 5/7/2008 1:37:45 PM
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One on One is the training of choice for handling and driving, since training driving gives 80% training of handling (the skills are very similar). A recent report in the Training Speed Analys thread had it also taking three weeks to train a level of jump shot.

But you got my point, and see the stuff i write inside the () ...

And i would say handling have his advantages because i like to train 3 guys not 6 ;) And just looking at the handling and driving skills is goint as fast, and so you had to decide if you want every 4-5 Weeks an up in Jumpshot(not three, but still pretty often) or after 6-7 weeks a skill in outside defense which wasn't so effective to train then JumpShot and i think was a bit more important.

From: jimrtex

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28592.10 in reply to 28592.5
Date: 5/8/2008 1:29:52 AM
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You can train 5 players pretty easily with two positions, and it can give you a backup in case of injuries.

You could also use one of your other players as the 5th or 6th trainee. There is an overlap between skills between positions. Just because you want your PG to have good passing, doesn't mean that you want all the other positions to have bad passing. If you were training outside shooting one week, I wouldn't hesitate to use one of your forwards as the backup for one of the guard positions in the scrimmage.

This Post:
28592.11 in reply to 28592.10
Date: 5/8/2008 8:57:04 PM
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If you were training outside shooting one week, I wouldn't hesitate to use one of your forwards as the backup for one of the guard positions in the scrimmage.

How does this work? Does that forward need to play guard for all 48 minutes to get the benefit, or just starting one game works as long has he gets a total of 48 for the week?

I'm also curious on training of Small Forwards -- since they can seemingly only be trained in sets with all of the guards or C/PF/SF -- I imagine they train very slowly. Is it worth training a small forward at all? If you're looking to up his Guard-like skills, wouldn't it be more beneficial just to train the guards and allow them to be much better? Likewise with the C/PF?

This Post:
28592.12 in reply to 28592.11
Date: 5/9/2008 2:25:25 AM
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A player gets training for each minute played at a training position (up to 48) But he doesn't get the same amount of training for each minute. The 48th minute is more valuable than the 1st.

We know that 48 minutes gets 100% training and that 0 minutes gets 0% training, and that 36 minutes gets less than 75% (36/48) training. But we don't really don't know how much. Some suggest that there is a rather severe penalty, and 36 minutes might only get 50% training. It's my belief that the penalty is less, and 36 minutes might be worth something around 60-70%.

But if you are training guards, it's almost impossible to train 6 players. So it is still useful to have a 6th player to soak up whatever is left over, even if they only get 50% training for 36 minutes. But it might not make sense to pay a lot for a 6th guard trainee, or waste the training on a so-so guard, but rather use it to improve your younger forwards.

So let's say that your forward gets 30 minutes at SF and 36 minutes at SG in the scrimmage. If you train PG/SG he will get 36 training minutes. He will also have 66 minutes total time for purposes of maintaining game shape.

As far as training SF, I would consider perhaps training them as a guard one season, and a forward the next. This might mean picking up a younger PF for the 2nd season, or a younger SG for the first season.
