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USA - IV.2 > Hello


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From: Mally_G

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286731.2 in reply to 286731.1
Date: 6/2/2017 9:45:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Welcome to BB and this league.

I hope you put in time to discover how to develop your team. There are tons of features that are at your disposal to make your team beater. The Supporter (pay) feature opens up more features you can use to your advantage. Stick around and figure things out.

As for other simulators, there are tons on the 'net, so use your search engines to discover a few and see which one you like. You may have to ask the developers of this game if they have developed one similar for football and baseball if you like the presentation of this game.

Good luck.

This Post:
286731.3 in reply to 286731.2
Date: 7/30/2017 12:52:12 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey y'all.. how's your season going so far?

From: Shablo

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286731.4 in reply to 286731.1
Date: 9/9/2017 2:48:39 PM
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Hello guys I am new here, it looks like we are entering playoffs soon? I guess my team is out, it will give me some time to read up in the forums and game manual to learn how everything works so we have a competitive season next year!:) Excited to be here with ya'll.

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286731.5 in reply to 286731.3
Date: 10/2/2017 12:49:57 AM
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Smooth, I just started playing. I cant wait until further down the season to see where the team stands

From: Neil
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286731.6 in reply to 286731.5
Date: 11/1/2017 2:20:12 PM
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Has anyone else noticed that Merrifield Battle Cry is listed as having 75 players? lol