As you may remember, we got Tuck because he got one vote more than an EBBL manager - me. For every Tuck, there's a Woody to counter that argument.
1. There are a lot of players aged 24-27 where you should not have seen their stats and if you do so it will give you an advantage whether you like it or not. You also did not answer my question, why break the gentlemen's agreement we have in the EBBL that none of us run for the NT? Why is that all the good reasons behind that agreement, you seem to think don't apply to you?
2. Nobody mentioned cheating, it's the lowest form of electioneering to introduce a false statement like that and respond to it. You should apologise immediately.
3. Solid and mediocre are close cousins it seems.
4. If you don't withdraw I'm going to suggest to the EBBL forum that every EBBL manager stands for election, as if you can't stick to an agreement then the next best thing is we all break it together..
I tell you what, I'll poll the EBBL managers, then they can indicate anonymously whether they support any EBBL manager also running the NT.
Last edited by Elmacca at 6/22/2017 5:13:18 AM