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Suggestions > Double training effect in designated week(s)

Double training effect in designated week(s)

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288651.2 in reply to 288651.1
Date: 7/28/2017 7:38:11 AM
Leones del Cinaruco
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Mmmmmm. Maybe an overall improvement in the training speed instead will be fine. What if you mess-up the lineup? What if the trainees fouled out in that week and can't get enought minutes? There are many scenarios but if the improvement is distribuited along the season those negative issues won't be a big deal... In this case, keep it like the current one will be almost the same...

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288651.3 in reply to 288651.2
Date: 7/28/2017 8:50:20 AM
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What if the trainees fouled out in that week and can't get enought minutes?
You pick the week when you want to have double training, I wasn't suggesting that they are chosen randomly.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 7/28/2017 8:50:38 AM

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288651.4 in reply to 288651.3
Date: 7/28/2017 9:20:49 AM
Leones del Cinaruco
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I get it. I misunderstood your idea... You must be clear... something like a button that you can use after the cup/friendly game.

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288651.5 in reply to 288651.4
Date: 7/28/2017 9:41:08 AM
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Yes something like that

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288651.6 in reply to 288651.5
Date: 7/28/2017 12:14:18 PM
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One could raise a concern that this would possibly unfairly harm teams in leagues (usually middle-level teams) who don't have easy weeks because of teams tanking for the cup or numerous bots, whereas teams at the top often have one or two weeks where there is a tanking team or later in the season teams throwing games to keep their Cup run alive.

With that said, I do think it's a little gimmicky - I think in a perfect world, speeding up training should be something applied in every week or none at all. I also, unfortunately, am of the opinion that we're too likely for the option in that case to be 'none at all' so I think your proposal would be an improvement over the status quo, even if not the improvement I'd consider ideal.

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288651.7 in reply to 288651.6
Date: 7/28/2017 1:45:53 PM
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This would allow people to prepare. You got that new lvl 7 trainer? You got perfect minutes? It's the right time to activate the double training. Whatever the reasoning for the choice, this would allow trainers to benefit more than under other proposals for 2 main reasons:
- ensures all the extra training is given under the best possible conditions
- compared to a spread out approach you can do it all upfront (1st week rather than over 14 weeks) or for the training regime you value the most (so for example DR>DR>DR>DR>DR>ODx2!!)

This approach benefits teams in harder leagues because you can always prepare for the single week when you will double train. You have to focus on 1 week instead of a constant effort over 12-13 weeks, in order to get the extra training.

Call it mid season camp or whatever.

1/14 is ca 7% increase and 2/14 is ca 14% increase in speed

Last edited by Lemonshine at 7/28/2017 7:14:49 PM