Your credit ist 200k € and for example, the transfer fee is 5%, thus you are receiving 95% of the winning bid.
Somebody puts a bid of 1.000k €, which results in a "real" credit after the auction of 200k + 1.000k x 0,95 = 1.150k € (or a "temporary virtual credit").
Now you are finally beating the bid, for example with a bid of 1.100k €:
- you have to pay 1.100k €
+ you are receiving 1.100k x 0,95 = 1.045k €
Your new credit after the auction results to:
200k - 1.100k + 1.045k = 145k €
So whenever you are winning bidder on your own player you are loosing money (transfer tax of the final bid) and the player will be listed as a "new" player with impact to fan-acceptance, merchandising, viewer attendance ...
founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)