2nd Ideea/request/wish
similar to the FIFA player cards, where you can gift a personalized one to a friend, BB should capitalzie on the oportunity to offer printouts.
there is no denying that if you train a player for 9 seasons i.e 3 physical years you get used to him. and hacving a small framed photo or something would be a nice gift. as seen here
(https://media.stargift.ro/card-fifa-personalizat-cu-o-poza...)similar to the page in the Hall of Fame. conversly you can make a small album.
to clarify. i have no financial interest or business proposition, i am a consumer who is seeking these products. in the absonce of anything ran by BB, substituties of lesser quality feel like the only option.
if you don't have any suggestion to doing this, but at least would consider such a product, please write a reply and hopefully people in charge will consder it.