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BB Österreich > Growing Austria

Growing Austria

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31992.2 in reply to 31992.1
Date: 5/20/2008 4:50:43 AM
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Hi Andy,

great to hear that BB is trying to let the austrian community grow!
On what is BB focus?
Are you looking for Bannerads like the coorperation u had with or are you looking for advertising in f.e. in newspapers/communitysites etc?


This Post:
31992.3 in reply to 31992.2
Date: 5/20/2008 8:27:28 AM
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Hi Andy,

it's great to hear that bb supports our work on growing up austrian community. since the election of our new nt-trainer we're thinking of possibilities to raise the amount of austrian users. our first goal is to talk about bb in austrian basketball-forums.

maybe you can contact the guys of ( which is a "big" austrian community.

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31992.4 in reply to 31992.2
Date: 5/20/2008 9:01:55 AM
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Hi Michael,

We are looking to do both. However, if you want to know a focus, our focus is to look for relevant bannerads which would complement our site, rather than having to use banner ad networks. As you know most of our members take advantage of our free service so we have to fund the site in other ways.

An effective method in promoting the site to gain new users and build community is whether or not our members can reach out to basketball forums to arrange banner exchanges or some sort of marketing deal. Let me know if I can help support any of you to help BB grow in Austria. Thanks.


This Post:
31992.5 in reply to 31992.3
Date: 5/20/2008 9:04:34 AM
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Hi Jizza,

It is great to hear about the desire to grow the Austrian community. We have found it very effective for our members to reach out and make the initial contact to these forums to arrange a potential marketing deal, as there are certain language barriers that may have to be overcome to gaining the first contact. Please let me know if you need anything on our side to support your efforts to grow Austria. Thanks.


This Post:
31992.6 in reply to 31992.5
Date: 5/21/2008 9:26:18 AM
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i'll try to fix something on this.

another thing that would be nice are banners, that we can use in profiles of other forums, that directly link on the buzzerbeater-page. maybe you can put this banner in the "invitation"-area in the left frame.

This Post:
31992.7 in reply to 31992.6
Date: 5/22/2008 3:57:24 AM
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That's a great idea. I have brought that up with our programmers and hopefully we will have that available soon.

