i see this game again.1 minute and 30second to the end,i was under of 3 points,he was wrong a shot,take en offensive rebound and started systematic foul(4 second between rebound and foul).I think this is certainly not a bug,but in this situation systematic foul was a without-sense choice,because in this way i granted two free throw to the adversary,when if i had defended well on the next action,i would have had the ball in the end for the draw with one minute on the clock.
So,I think it was not a bug,but that the system of sistematic fouls,for a game engine choice,started too soon.The game engine,in that situation,would not have had to make foul,because I could recover the result of the match.If he have made the basket,and after the GE started to make systematic fouls and very fast shot,i would have agreed.But I think that in similar sitautions,nowadays GE make bad choices as in the mine match,so this aspect had to be changed