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BB Global (English) > Significace of lvl 6 / lvl 7 trainers

Significace of lvl 6 / lvl 7 trainers (thread closed)

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66743.2 in reply to 66743.1
Date: 1/2/2009 6:21:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
mate... noone posted an answer on the help forums because noone knows. Secondly it is the festive season and I think most people are afk.

the new staff system was introduced at end off season 6 or start season 7. Noone has enough data yet to say how big the differences are between the different levels.

However, when you ask me. I would stick with level 5 or 6. The changes arent big enough I reckon to justify spending 2 million when you mention you also could still use the money to strengthen the squad. I think level 7 coaches are for the TOP TOP teams that have good enough players and a few $ change lying around to buy the 2 million $ coach...

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66743.3 in reply to 66743.1
Date: 1/2/2009 11:02:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Keep it to the proper forum.

The Help forum is there for a reason.


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A CT? Really?
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