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about driving layup

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6999.2 in reply to 6999.1
Date: 11/13/2007 12:52:57 PM
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Inside shot, I think.

Dunks and lay-ups would count as inside shots, maybe finger rolls too...

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6999.3 in reply to 6999.2
Date: 11/13/2007 6:40:54 PM
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Yes, these are inside shots. Driving, from what I understand, is the ability to create inside shot opportunities. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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6999.4 in reply to 6999.3
Date: 11/13/2007 9:57:45 PM
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The action "driving" is just when players dribble inside from the outside to the inside. whether he shoots or passes. Not sure what the skill ACTUALLY does here in BB.

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6999.5 in reply to 6999.4
Date: 11/13/2007 10:58:30 PM
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Right. I was talking in BB terms. I believe it's the ability to create inside shot opportunities.

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6999.6 in reply to 6999.5
Date: 11/13/2007 11:07:43 PM
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It should be. Maybe a BB can clarify this.

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6999.7 in reply to 6999.3
Date: 11/14/2007 3:17:40 AM
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but I can't train SG/PG's inside shot skill

so how could they use their driving skill?

the only way is let them play as a SF?

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6999.8 in reply to 6999.7
Date: 11/14/2007 11:43:42 AM
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SG and PG's Drive too. Lay-ups and Dunks or shots in the paint count as Inside shots. Everything between between the paint and 3 point line counts as mid range. You need driving and jump range and jump shot for that. If you go from outside 3point line within the mid range area.. It's called driving .. either you shoot or pass. Therefore PG and SG need driving. To shoot or to Pass. Inside shot and Driving are NOT linked. PF don't necessarily need driving. It helps a lot but isn't a must.

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6999.9 in reply to 6999.8
Date: 11/15/2007 4:50:31 AM
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last match I found my player had a dunk in mid range(out of the paint , near the bot tom line)

and also some jump shot happens in the paint ,like "xxx fires off a q uick jump shot"

so,witch one is inside shot and witch one is jump shot?

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6999.10 in reply to 6999.9
Date: 11/15/2007 9:42:20 AM
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Everydunk attempt is an inside shot., in my opinion. that jump shot in the paint should c ould as a inside shot asdwell.