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Relegation Matches

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72165.2 in reply to 72165.1
Date: 2/9/2009 10:20:30 AM
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I would think the best bet would be to go PO C.T. right off the bat, as there are no later rounds to save your enthusiasm for (and the PO C.T. still only has the effect of Regular Season normal on it). This is of course unless you have some indication of how high your opponent's enthusiasm is/how he will be using it.

P.S. are you the same Wadsworth Grizzlies that is in 1st place 1st div in GI?

This Post:
72165.3 in reply to 72165.2
Date: 2/9/2009 3:55:05 PM
Wadsworth Grizzlies
Overall Posts Rated:
I'll probably go PO C.T. right off the bat like you said. I know he at least normaled last match, but I'm not really sure so I'll just C.T. right away.

P.P.S yep I'm the same Wadsworth Grizzlies.

This Post:
72165.4 in reply to 72165.1
Date: 2/9/2009 6:58:14 PM
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I'd play Playoff Normal.

You'll probably win, but on the off chance that you don't, you'll have superior enthusiasm to destroy the other loser PLUS you'll get a lot more money through gate receipts.

I guess it's a tiny bit risky but i would do it. :-)

This Post:
72165.5 in reply to 72165.4
Date: 2/9/2009 7:25:37 PM
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I'd play Playoff Normal.

You'll probably win, but on the off chance that you don't, you'll have superior enthusiasm to destroy the other loser PLUS you'll get a lot more money through gate receipts.

I guess it's a tiny bit risky but i would do it. :-)

It's a best of three series against a single team.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
72165.6 in reply to 72165.5
Date: 2/10/2009 5:52:57 AM
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lol. Sorry, lack of experience. I thought the 1st one was a 1 gamer then the next round was 3 games. (like promotion).

My lips are now sealed on this subject. :-I

This Post:
72165.7 in reply to 72165.6
Date: 2/10/2009 1:59:01 PM
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You were off, but I think the assumption still works. He's basically guaranteed to win whichever game he goes PO CT on, and so the question is which of the other 2 games he wants to win. The fact is that if he goes PO Normal in the first game, and loses, he can go PO CT in game 2, guarantee a win, and then, assuming his opponent already blew his enthusiasm by going PO CT in either or both of the first 2 games, go PO CT in game 3 and have basically a straight-up (enthusiasm wise) matchup against a team that he's superior to.

If you win game 1, I would go normal again in game 2, which would either be a win, or if it's a loss, build up your enthusiasm even more for a game 3 blowout.

This Post:
72165.8 in reply to 72165.7
Date: 2/10/2009 4:59:39 PM
Wadsworth Grizzlies
Overall Posts Rated:
All right so I'm still going PO Normal tonight is that correct?

This Post:
72165.9 in reply to 72165.8
Date: 2/10/2009 5:07:10 PM
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hehe. It's up to you matey. I would, but please dont blame me if it goes pear-shaped. lol.

Last edited by Calum at 2/10/2009 5:07:20 PM

This Post:
72165.10 in reply to 72165.9
Date: 2/10/2009 5:17:14 PM
Wadsworth Grizzlies
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm normaling. I don't blame anybody if something bad happens.

This Post:
72165.11 in reply to 72165.10
Date: 2/10/2009 5:23:12 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
well good luck mate!

This Post:
72165.12 in reply to 72165.1
Date: 2/10/2009 9:59:16 PM
Wadsworth Grizzlies
Overall Posts Rated:
It seems I lost by 3 in overtime even though one of my guys scored 55 points. It kind of stinks, and it says that I playoff CT'd which I could have sworn I normaled. I guess I'm pretty much screwed now. I've got to CT the last two games and hope for wins. Oh and he normaled.
