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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Training issues? (no pops in 3 weeks)

Training issues? (no pops in 3 weeks) (thread closed)

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From: Kukoc

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80872.2 in reply to 80872.1
Date: 3/13/2009 7:15:06 AM
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I think your friend is lieing. He can not have 2 pops in OD on one player even if his od was 1% near skill pop before he started. Did you check the training speed thread? Arena: The more you build seats the more it varies.

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80872.3 in reply to 80872.2
Date: 3/14/2009 4:06:36 AM
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i have the same problem with training:
all my players are 23 and 24 y.o and my trainer is level 5.
i train j.r for 3 weeks and j.s for 2 weeks and i have only 1 pop up in j.r in 5 weeks!
all the last pop ups were 9-10 weeks ago!
i am playing from season 2 and i do not remember this long time with no pop ups!

From: Yoginger

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80872.4 in reply to 80872.2
Date: 3/14/2009 12:39:02 PM
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Why should my friend lie? If you don't know a person don't accuse him/her to be a liar or something else. I know for sure that he is telling the truth, but this shouldn't be the topic in this thread so I will stop this now ;)

Last edited by Yoginger at 3/14/2009 12:43:02 PM

From: Kukoc

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80872.5 in reply to 80872.4
Date: 3/14/2009 1:52:01 PM
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Why do people lie? Perhaps he needed to brag? The fact still remains the same. A player will not pop in any defence 2 weeks in a row (he can pop od one week and id the next week) <- that is 100% truth. Have you seen the both pops with your eyes? How can you be convinced he is telling the truth?

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80872.7 in reply to 80872.6
Date: 3/14/2009 3:58:38 PM
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Friend said he had pops in OD which is even more bizarre. The thing you suggested, I don't think that is doable with lvl5 trainer, perhaps lvl7 trainer but I doubt it (perhaps with other skills way above ID but it's still far fetched).

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80872.9 in reply to 80872.8
Date: 3/14/2009 5:46:30 PM
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So you did training ID->RB->IS->ID? or RB->IS->ID->ID?

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80872.11 in reply to 80872.10
Date: 3/15/2009 3:57:09 AM
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Perhaps with perfect trainee good trainer and 1 spot training could produce it. But you still need a good sublevel on your dude + better inside overall skills in reb and IS. I have tried ID for 1 spot and I have not seen it I had a pretty good trainee for that. There is no way you can pop it twise in a row with 2 spot training.

But after a friend of mine told me that his 6'2" and 18 year old player had 2 ups in OD in the last two weeks (also training pressure for PG/SG)

I am sure this thing written above is not doable 100%!!!
