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Stamina-game shape-free throw

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From: Shanmag

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90724.2 in reply to 90724.1
Date: 5/20/2009 8:24:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Either stamina or free throws.

Game shape gets reset sometime before the start of next season.

From: inimene

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90724.3 in reply to 90724.2
Date: 5/20/2009 8:31:19 AM
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But for this PO it does not reset. Actually you have to choose right tactic.

This Post:
90724.4 in reply to 90724.2
Date: 5/20/2009 8:47:07 AM
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Either stamina or free throws.

Game shape gets reset sometime before the start of next season.

Not if he had a playoff match this week, then he can train normally what he trains with full minutes and not "sacrifice" training, unless wanting to train stamina of course..

From: FreeL

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90724.5 in reply to 90724.2
Date: 5/20/2009 8:47:40 AM
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I thought is reset every training day (friday)? so if i have 5players with profficient game shape now, they ll still have same shape on saturday po game?

This Post:
90724.6 in reply to 90724.4
Date: 5/20/2009 8:55:29 AM
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Sorry, that's true.

I was just suggesting since most (not all) of his players are on proficient / strong game shape anyway.

This Post:
90724.7 in reply to 90724.4
Date: 5/20/2009 9:04:26 AM
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Would you suggest to train stamina now?

My main 5 players stamina:

PG average
SG pitiful
SF strong
PF inept
C mediocre

This Post:
90724.8 in reply to 90724.7
Date: 5/20/2009 10:08:07 AM
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No, I would suggest you stick to your regular training programme as you have full minutes this week.
