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Player Auction End Times Wrong?

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From: dryry

To: Jon
This Post:
9076.2 in reply to 9076.1
Date: 12/4/2007 8:58:53 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
judging by the time you posted this post on the forum, your local time wasn't 23:50, but 1:50 :]

check your settings again, dude :))

From: Jon

This Post:
9076.3 in reply to 9076.2
Date: 12/5/2007 11:00:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Well considering the time on your buzzerbeater page is piped from their servers, not taken off your local system time, clearly my settings aren't the problem. the BB time was showing the correct time for my timezone, which was the correct time on my PC and all my clocks.

I imagine the BB time is automatically created for you based on GMT +/- whatever you need for your zone/league.