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Suggestions > box-and-one defense

box-and-one defense (thread closed)

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18253.20 in reply to 18253.19
Date: 3/23/2008 6:49:41 PM
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I understand you don't see my point about T A C T I C S and T R A I N I N G having an impact on each other once you allow for switching positions on defense.

The ADVANTAGE, my friend comes from you getting rebounding training for your SG but not getting hit with a reduced inside defense because you switched him out on defense.

I realize that you don't get that and never will.

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18253.21 in reply to 18253.20
Date: 3/23/2008 8:00:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Once we can have a civil discussion about this, we'll revisit it.


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Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
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