To be honest I never expressed an opinion here on Team Chemistry (with which I tend more to agree than not).
I just made a joke on your previous feats
It came across as uncivil - it was just supposed to be ironic (and I don't feel the need to reply to your n-th point-by-point debating, because it really was just a joke).
It was surely Off Topic, but uncivil? Meh.
We all should be able to laugh now and then!
I bought Karaplis because I needed him, that's all.
It's not that a Team Chemistry feature would have prevented me from buying him, would it?
I would have bought him regardless, because I was completely unhappy with my former SF and I needed a new starter.
Like I've said, I can't have any hidden agenda because I agree in principle with this suggestion.
(Which goes to prove that you tend to see hidden agendas everywhere).