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Money Money

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210216.20 in reply to 210216.19
Date: 2/20/2012 1:55:21 AM
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you said it man

This Post:
210216.21 in reply to 210216.17
Date: 2/20/2012 2:37:18 PM
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Hi Diverse,

Yes ?? Do you make more? How do you do it. My training of players doesnt get me anything. And I am have to keep up in the league downt wanna relegate. My staff is pretty low. My salary is around 250 k a month. Maybe there is some space there. But probably I have my arena prized the wrong way. I find that the most difficult part, ticket prizes. What would you recommend?


This Post:
210216.23 in reply to 210216.21
Date: 2/21/2012 2:48:12 AM
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Hi Diverse,
My salary is around 250 k a month

Maybe you could learn the difference between a month and a week...
150k a month isnt much, but 150k a week is just crazy. To think, that i make zero per week and have to fight to not be relegated... I hate my competitive league ;)

This Post:
210216.24 in reply to 210216.21
Date: 2/21/2012 6:32:34 PM
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You could bank more money by selling of all your vets that are still in their 20s and replacing them with cheaper 33-36 year old players with similar salaries. Probably gain a couple of million right there.

And your ticket prices are waaay to high for your arena. Lower your bleachers and your lower tier a ton and you will definiltely make more $$$ off your arena. I would go as low as $9 on the bleachers and maybe $30-32 on the lower tier.

Last edited by Beener not Beanerz at 2/21/2012 6:37:48 PM

This Post:
210216.25 in reply to 210216.1
Date: 2/21/2012 7:25:58 PM
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my goal is to get to 100k and your complaining that you only have 25 mil. I think I'm doing something wrong

This Post:
210216.26 in reply to 210216.1
Date: 2/22/2012 7:55:39 AM
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in cents or dollars ?

if 25m is in cents, it is quite normal.

otherwise, all the other players are doing something wrong.

This Post:
210216.27 in reply to 210216.24
Date: 2/22/2012 8:34:38 AM
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Hi Beener,

Thank you good tips. You are right with the old players. I thought of that as-well. My idea was to get good players cheap and when they are long enough in the team sell them too with a lil profit but thats too hard. Prices are low. Have to look into what old players costs cause cant really sell them again.

Yes ticket prices are a mystery for me I will give it a try. Thnks again

This Post:
210216.28 in reply to 210216.27
Date: 2/22/2012 3:37:53 PM
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I find the game rewards bigger arena's with lower prices over smaller arenas with higher prices every time. So with that in mind, if you're not filling seats (and you're not even close to filling your bleachers), then lower your prices and you'll almost certainly increase your arena profits.

Of course at the same time, you could have saved closer to $1 million by not building so many bleacher seats. I've read that arenas have a soft cap of 20000 seats. Build bigger than that and you'll have have trouble filling those extra seats no matter where you set your prices.

This Post:
210216.29 in reply to 210216.28
Date: 2/24/2012 12:15:16 PM
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i think with £25m he could take the trophy for having the biggest arena. Just invest it all in bleachers and lower tier :)
i always tell new managers they cant go wrong investing in their arena...

From: yodabig

This Post:
210216.30 in reply to 210216.29
Date: 2/25/2012 8:47:54 AM
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A slightly different matter, but money related, I am really upset with my merchandising.

My merchandising is below the league average. Below! I am 5-0 with the best record in the league. I have Oliver my original player, Vallo has been with me since season 10, I'm playing my draft pick Ahmed, 9 of my 13 players are Aussies, Barton leads the league in assists, Sperbert who dropped 62 tonight is second in the league in scoring and Lawrance is actually playing on the NT.

How does that make me below average?
