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219433.21 in reply to 219433.20
Date: 6/4/2012 8:32:36 PM
Alley Up
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So don't tell me "it's a good ecomony", because is good in "easy play" nations...I would just that BBs give an answers to us for our situation (25% of BB people), I don't want listen people who reach to have a good economy because are in a easy play nation...

I haven't said anything like that. Just the opposite -- you seem to claim that the game is broken because you somehow can't handle the competition in Italy. Tough beans, I guess...

you didn't understand...I just said that these economic troubles there are not even in real NBA...
so, why we have to play an economic game and not a basketball game??
I wuold just an answer on that...

ok the economic management, but here it's much complicate...

I have a pair balance, and I have not money problems, but it's not good that I can't go on market without sell anyone...I can't have a positive weekly without be relegated...not to talk about fans, with a 1-1 record in first week, because of a lose with my rival on road, I had -3k of affluence with a 30k negative's absurd because if I have a pair weekly, -30k are a considerable damage with this economy...

Last edited by zecchin at 6/4/2012 8:35:09 PM

This Post:
219433.23 in reply to 219433.22
Date: 6/4/2012 9:28:21 PM
Alley Up
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so, why we have to play an economic game and not a basketball game??

Because this is not a basketball arcade game -- it's a management game. And the economic aspect is part of the management process.

yes, part of the management, not the only part...

actually it seems we must be economist....

Last edited by zecchin at 6/4/2012 9:29:14 PM

This Post:
219433.25 in reply to 219433.24
Date: 6/4/2012 10:00:25 PM
Alley Up
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so, why we have to play an economic game and not a basketball game??

Because this is not a basketball arcade game -- it's a management game. And the economic aspect is part of the management process.

yes, part of the management, not the only part...

actually it seems we must be economist....

It's not the only part. Being able to maintain healthy team economy doesn't mean you know how to win a BB game.

but, if for each team born after season 4 win means to make bankrupt, then economy is the only part of management...

if there're ways to win with a good economy and without tanking, please, explain me...I'm listening...

Last edited by zecchin at 6/4/2012 10:30:31 PM

From: Kukoc

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219433.26 in reply to 219433.25
Date: 6/5/2012 12:26:29 AM
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So, what you are saying is: Every team in Italy is playing in the minus season after season?
This season, currently the oldest team in Estonia finally made a mistake. Was constantly in the minus and sold a player too late. Doesn't that mean the newcomers are overtaking the old managers. This game is about getting better players/result while spending less money. Yes it's mostly a numbers game, but knowing which players/skills you need/aford for certain spots while not bankrupting yourself is the key.
It's a game of patience. You are not playing against USA divIII or Eesti divIII. You are playing in your country, more importantly in your league. The only thing you need to focus on is beating your direct opponents.
You are saying you can't go into the market without selling a player. Who can? If everyone else in your league is also near the salary cap, they also can't really go guns blazing spending. Adding money to teams will just "raise the salary cap", teams will spend that money and you will be in the same situation again. So it's pointless to just keep raising the cap to infinity.
This game takes time, I was stuck in divII for 8 seasons, before I promoted, but I always had a smaller total player salary than other teams, even when I promoted, because I took the time to actually build my team. Obviously you can't win if you go shopping emotionally and getting the first guy you see on the transfer list, or buy a player who's name you like. There are 16 managers in a league, there can be only one winner and 15 losers...

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219433.28 in reply to 219433.16
Date: 6/5/2012 10:37:57 AM
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I see you are in playoff zone in III with a roster that any single team of my old IV division can beat, but take my same tv contract...thank of that you have a 12k arena in 5 season of italy is impossible that...
don't let me laugh...please...

If you look at salaries alone, sure, my team is overmatched - there are only three teams in the series paying less for their top five than me, and six paying less for their top 8 and top 10. Luckily for me, the game is about more than which players on the court have higher salaries.

As for my arena, the reason it's to 12k already is that I have spent more money on expanding the arena than I have on the transfer market. Not symbolically, literally; my expansions total $3.565M, while my transfers are under $3.4M. My arena was already almost 12k when I promoted to III, so it's not like I've been sitting here and eating up TV revenue and just now building the arena.

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219433.29 in reply to 219433.19
Date: 6/5/2012 10:45:39 AM
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he has a 200k roster, but he's in III, so he don't take 70k tv contract, because there's a limit, and not also 104k, because his league is not better than mine...but if he take 80/85k are enough, because he's in III so he has much fans, and he can play for promotion with a positve weekly...

The TV contract is $97646. I'm not going to be playing for promotion, though - I may make the playoffs as the #3 or likely #4, but I am not the best team in my conference and beside this I am still playing big men as PG for training again this season.

This Post:
219433.30 in reply to 219433.9
Date: 6/5/2012 1:36:01 PM
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Hem... Economy...

Let's have a look...

Hem... Yeah...
I will talk only about one of the points. This one !

other considerations about bad economy management are these:

1) At the end of last season, there was not a single team who joined later than season-4, on the first division of - Frace and Spain.

Because it often comes back. Not only for those two countries but other large ones too.

So... France ! Hey, I know France !

Look ! Current France's D.II conference leaders :
(I'll use blue/red for each conference so that everyone understands since translations are sometimes very different from a language to another)

II.1 blue : (36003) joined s6. Good !
II.1 red : (27211) joined s10 ! Wow ! This guy is really good !
II.2 blue : (84901) joined s11 ! OMG ! Ok, don't be fooled, he used to have a top league team but started over. So he already knew the game stuff, it makes it less impressive, right ? It's only mildly impressive in fact, or rather impressive or whatever. Go Ducks !
II.3 blue : (87142) joined s8. Well, he is not actually leading the conference, he's tied 4-1 to a GM's team but since GM's teams use the secret winning script, he is almost a leader, a semi-leader. Don't get it wrong GM, it's for the sake of the study ;)
II.3 red : (85064) joined s9. Hell, how many of them are they ?
II.4 blue : (27195) joined s8. *sigh* I remember when he promoted to my league from D.IV. Oh memories ! Hi friend !

So 5 out of 8 conference leaders are "much younger than season 4". They are not champions yet but it's looking good for younger teams.
(I listed 6 teams but I reckon I made up one, GMs don't have a script and it's forbidden to talk about this script.)

Things are changing ! Thanks to the changes to the market and the maturation of a sufficient pool of players (fully trained).
And this argument that old teams can't be beaten because of the market has to be dropped.

TL market levels aren't the most important, what is important is to avoid galloping inflation. Stability is good. The nostalgics of the old market are probably more nostalgic of the inflation and don't see the big picture, that this inflation was ruining the game for newer teams.

Let me remind only one of the effects of the BB inflationnist market.

A top league team buys a 22 yo player for 2M.
Because the market has risen, by his 25 yo, the player is worth 3M.
Hey, nice trade for the top league team, it has used a player and with little training, it makes money on him.

The top league team sells him and buys a new 22 yo player for 3M.
Because the market has risen, by his 25 yo, the player is worth 4M.
Hey, nice trade blablablablabla

The top...... and.... 22..... 4M.
B.c..s. ... .............., ... 25......., ........5M

22 5M
25 6M
22 6M....
in an endless cycle !
