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Season 65

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From: Eagle
This Post:
324184.20 in reply to 324184.16
Date: 6/22/2024 10:56:57 PM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Today's win at home against Paros Bulls was a bit unexpected to say the least.
Of course we are very happy with the victory.
Last time we were able to win against Bull.7 was already 6 seasons ago !
It's always important to have a good season start.

Last edited by Eagle at 6/22/2024 10:59:43 PM

From: Veoz
This Post:
324184.21 in reply to 324184.20
Date: 6/23/2024 12:05:03 PM
Aubel Nation
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sclessin Fever
40 free throws, 3 starters with 6 fouls, I think I had never seen that before.

Looks like my players desperately wanted to come home early in order not to miss anything from the Doku show!

Last edited by Veoz at 6/23/2024 12:05:21 PM

From: Veoz

To: Veoz
This Post:
324184.24 in reply to 324184.21
Date: 6/24/2024 10:40:23 AM
Aubel Nation
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sclessin Fever
40 free throws, 3 starters with 6 fouls, I think I had never seen that before.

Just did some calcs on this for fun. Based on my fouls last season (same players), 28 fouls is a 3.5 sigma event... which means a 0.05% probability. Quite impressive. Some caveats in those calculations of course (22 games is a small sample, distribution is not perfectly normal, ...)

From: Eagle

This Post:
324184.25 in reply to 324184.23
Date: 6/28/2024 4:51:37 PM
RSC Eagles
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about the salary, for what's i'm concerned, it has been possible because of the reserve I did druing the building of my team but i'm losing money since ;)

Wow, with all your championship and cup titles, and your revenues from all other sources, I'm quite surprised that even your team is losing money every week. I don't think many BBBL teams are actually making money instead of losing money. Reaching a positive cashflow seems to be the hardest part of the game nowadays, the game has certainly become more difficult economically during the last seasons.

Last edited by Eagle at 6/28/2024 4:57:13 PM

From: Eagle
This Post:
324184.26 in reply to 324184.25
Date: 6/28/2024 4:55:44 PM
RSC Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
The rules of the game state that, if a team manages to win the championship AND the cup in the same season, then there will only be 1 team playing Buzzerbeater Best tournament for that country. So, last season SpirouGuigits managed to win both championship and cup. So can someone explain me, how it comes that Paros Bulls is also playing Buzzerbeater Best tournament ?


Last edited by Eagle at 6/28/2024 4:59:57 PM

From: Veoz

This Post:
324184.28 in reply to 324184.25
Date: 6/29/2024 7:32:38 AM
Aubel Nation
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sclessin Fever
about the salary, for what's i'm concerned, it has been possible because of the reserve I did druing the building of my team but i'm losing money since ;)

Wow, with all your championship and cup titles, and your revenues from all other sources, I'm quite surprised that even your team is losing money every week. I don't think many BBBL teams are actually making money instead of losing money. Reaching a positive cashflow seems to be the hardest part of the game nowadays, the game has certainly become more difficult economically during the last seasons.

It’s impossible to be profitable with a 1.4M+ team, no matter what you do.
BB is a cyclical game, where superteams come and go and win (almost) all the titles.
Teams like Paros and Kelmis, who stay at the top for dozens of seasons (while also grabbing a title here and there) are quite rare. Even then, whenever you reach the B3, you’re just not competitive with all the superteams competing.
Most of the times it’s just one superteam winning everything for 3-4 seasons then rebuilding for a few seasons before coming back for more.
Not taking anything away from those superteams here obviously at the end of the day BB is a management game, and the best way to succeed is to fill the bank account, then empty it in order to fill the trophy room, and repeat.

From: Dartreb

To: Veoz
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324184.29 in reply to 324184.28
Date: 6/29/2024 3:52:09 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
I know things are supposed to be like that, but I really don't like to play that way. Therefore trophies will remain scarce, maybe have a little bit of luck after a superteam goes into rebuild while the new contender isn't yet at full strength.

But I'll never be able to compete against a 1.4 M roster any day. Not that I'm willing to, if you can afford that kind of firepower.

But I still enjoy playing the game, dedicating my teams to producing quality players. Guys like Desmet, Gaethofs, or Beerten have had a huge impact on Belgium's performances at the international level and I expect to produce more of that quality material.

A huge step forward would be to be able to use them in my own teams, however :p

From: Veoz

This Post:
324184.30 in reply to 324184.29
Date: 6/29/2024 4:12:48 PM
Aubel Nation
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sclessin Fever
Of course! There are many ways to enjoy the game. And while not going for a cyclical kind of management with huge peaks and deep troughs might not yield as many trophies, it can indeed bring a lot on the side.

And as u said, and as you also said, it’s also possible to win something between 2 super teams!
