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season ticket holders

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From: Calum
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76760.20 in reply to 76760.19
Date: 2/26/2009 4:23:29 PM
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Bear in mind that as season ticket go. You'll actually make more money if those fans pay every game day than pay one time (which is less than 22*one game).

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76760.21 in reply to 76760.9
Date: 2/27/2009 8:13:12 AM
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I think the cap has been set at 3000, original gyms with over this number are having it slowly reduced over time to this cap.

I was 15-6, made the Semi-finals, won both TV games and beat my rival twice, made it to the round of 128 in the cup and I gained 138 STH.

Sure about the cap? I have a rather new team but have 3533 season ticket holders. Yes, I am in the top division i Denmark, but last season I didn't even make it to the playoffs...

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76760.22 in reply to 76760.20
Date: 2/27/2009 8:38:16 AM
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I'm not sure I got your comment right, but I obviously left out one factor in my earlier message in this thread. Since you can change the ticket prices monthly, there is no way of knowing how much the season ticket holders should pay you at the beginning of the season (assuming they would pay only once). This is probably the biggest reason behind the decision to have the STH's pay their tickets on game day.

(Perhaps at some point in the future a separate season ticket price will be implemented. Personally, I see no strong reason for that from the gameplay point of view, though.)

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76760.23 in reply to 76760.21
Date: 2/27/2009 9:18:18 AM
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Nope, I am not sure. I do know there is a cap, and I had the number 3,000 stuck in my head. Maybe it is 6,000. I am sure someone knows the proper number. As we can see, I do not. :)