1. Read what I said: I said I agreed with that last post (most of it). That's all.
I would have thought it was evident by now that I do NOT agree with a helluva lot of wolph says. And I have stated - before you - that as soon as I start to see a person here complain about *their* player's court time, I turn off.
2. You must be reading some incredibly old stuff. The season is 5 games old. Far too early to be worrying about teams, or worrying about someone's feelings. I am 99% sure that Gasol is not desiring to be "out" of LA. He was incredibly relieved to have the trade rumors stop about him (as they flew last season), and to be able to focus on basketball. When Nash comes back, Gasol will start to pick up again.
Hell, game 1 he was top scorer, had 19 shots.
Game 2 - 16 pts off 14 shots.
Gasol's had his chances. Yes, the majority of the shots this season (but not every game) have gone to Kobe, but the guy's shooting 56%, which is incredible for a 2. Can't fault that.
http://with-malice.com/ - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan