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België - I.1 > Season 53

Season 53

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From: Dartreb
This Post:
308862.203 in reply to 308862.202
Date: 6/12/2021 6:41:48 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
That was very close for the first seed on the red side. 4 points ... Which I might have scored had my starter Barzilay not been injured :(

This Post:
308862.207 in reply to 308862.206
Date: 6/13/2021 6:03:53 AM
Obira Dragons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Obira Dragons II
And I hope for KVForever they become the champ of II.3
Otherwise it’s a financial disaster.
Why promote under this condition...?
In fact this was a financial punishment from at least 1 000 000 for the Dragons.]

Sgolba...don’t fear us. We will go down to division II. (again)
We are not looking for a third game.
My team is already in division II mode.

Good luck to all you guys, have fun in BBBL...and see you again.

From: Dartreb
This Post:
308862.208 in reply to 308862.207
Date: 6/13/2021 5:07:30 PM
Kelmis Spartans
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Avoiding the playdowns makes this season a good one. I was also happy to sell Loiv who was already 33 and replace him with a better player, Rios.

The only big issue this season was a very early tournament exit, but it may have helped me secure a playoffs spot (only missing third spot by 3 points !) so maybe it was for the best.

I expect quite a lot of red teams to stay so next season will be equally difficult, but several players (Barzilay, Beerten) are slowly reaching BBBL level and might even hope for a little more !

I already wish those leaving BBBL best of luck for next season, and am already wondering which ones will join us. however I expect most of them to go the the blue side.

This Post:
308862.210 in reply to 308862.209
Date: 6/16/2021 2:52:53 AM
Paros Bulls
Overall Posts Rated:
After selling Martinez my goal was the 3rd place as the best I could make.
But you gave me all I needed to get the completely unexpected 2nd. Gift after gift I had to say “thank you”

All my players played super well against a strong team so I will buy them ice-cream today

This Post:
308862.212 in reply to 308862.211
Date: 6/16/2021 12:24:33 PM
Paros Bulls
Overall Posts Rated:
You had to give up some games because of your nice cup run otherwise you would have gotten the 2nd place.
So these were some nice gifts thank you
You had the time to train perfectly well your 2 Belgian players by controlling their salaries and you had also the time to buy at the right time nice players with a perfect skills/salary ratio.
I tried doing the same but I had no time as my choice was to remain in BBBL.
So yes I have a more expensive roster but this does not mean anything and you know this perfectly well.
And you must have a lot of money at the bank so I expect sooner or later a great transfer from you.
Thanks to my well deserved win yesterday this season was not so bad after all
