The Alonso matter has been closed and I have also said multiple times that I do not want this issue to be mentioned again, we have already taken action.
The future of BB has been already highlighted in the first post of this thread. More specific information will be given as soon as we finish converting the code base.
As mentioned, we cannot start adding more features since first we have to convert the entire game. Once the code is converted we can start coding more features. The current code is not maintainable like I explained so currently this is the top priority.
The second priority is to modernize the entire UI of the game, creating a more immersive experience, we cannot give more details because the main focus currently is finishing this huge conversion task.
As soon as we finish and in parallel we will start working on the new UI (hopefully in 1/2 months) we will post more updates.
BB has been here for a lot of time but the current infrastructure will not last long, the entire technology is heavy, deprecated, and unmaintainable. The past ownership also acknowledged that a whole conversion has to be done in order to have BB survive for the future.
About this sentence "This looks like a ship without a Captain or rather a ship with a Captain who does not know how to steer." I will just ignore that butn thank you for your opinion