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From: Boogz

This Post:
16055.206 in reply to 16055.200
Date: 3/26/2009 2:38:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Panin Global bug foorumisse teema, vaatab mis saab sest asjast. Sul peab kuskil saatusekaaslane olema.

Võib-olla läks kellelgi mäng nii mitmele lisaajale, et karikapaarid loositi ennem ära ja sina olid see õnnetu kes ilma jäi esialgu :P

From: Marx_T

This Post:
16055.207 in reply to 16055.206
Date: 3/26/2009 2:43:36 PM
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05/03/2009 16:30.......TTÜ Rock...vs...Saarlased........0 - 0..........C

nyyd ei saa kumbki ei karikas kui treeningmängudel kaasa lüüa :D trikimehed

need ei ole mingit tyhimiku jätnud?

From: vjachko

This Post:
16055.208 in reply to 16055.207
Date: 3/26/2009 2:51:51 PM
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nojah, muud pole midagi aint rahanatuke jäi saamata ja vahetusmeeste vorm ilmselt kukub kui sedagi - kutid mängisid laupäeval kolm lisaaega:)))))

Last edited by vjachko at 3/26/2009 2:55:57 PM

From: Boogz

This Post:
16055.209 in reply to 16055.200
Date: 3/28/2009 4:35:57 AM
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From: BB-Forrest

To: Mod-Boogz
83042.2 in reply to 83042.1
Date: 3/27/2009 1:47:28 AM
So we discovered the issue here.. what happened was back in the 5th round there were two teams that both forfeited, and the score was 0-0 and our cup code didnt deal with this correctly and failed to put either team through, subsequently one other team from that round didn't get a cup game, and so on and so forth until this game. so there were the two double forfeit teams, and one team per week up until this week that was affected, a total of 4 other teams.

now we have one extra game that belongs in the cup, and there is one bot team left in the cup in estonia, so we have 3 slots available

we have decided that both the double forfeit teams are out, and the one team that left the tournament with 5 wins is unfortunately going to also be out, because determining if he should still be in would require replaying the cup several rounds back. The team with 7 wins will take the spot of the bot in the cup, and the team with 8 wins will play the team with 6 wins.

obviously this isn't a perfect solution but its the best we can come up given the circumstances, and we will be changing the way we handle double forfeits in the future to prevent this from happening.

From: Boogz

This Post:
16055.210 in reply to 16055.208
Date: 3/28/2009 4:41:51 AM
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Pmst palju keerulist juttu, aga sa said oma karikamängu ja said selle veel mõned tiimid. Kui ma õigesti aru sain siis kellelgi oli karika vastaseks bot ja nüüd enam ei ole.

Kontrollige kõik oma karikavastased üle, et saaksite arvestada õige taktikaga.

From: gauls

This Post:
16055.211 in reply to 16055.210
Date: 3/28/2009 8:42:14 AM
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Krt! Vaatasin enda karikavastase üle ja kahjuks sulle või mulle, pole midagi muutund;).

From: vjachko

This Post:
16055.212 in reply to 16055.210
Date: 3/28/2009 2:49:22 PM
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danke schön, et asja ajada viitsisid. seda aga miks Tartu Lakers on nimeks pandud ei oska küll seletada. mäng on aga mul kirjas nii et eks vaatab. loodame, et raha ka õigele arvele tuleb:))

From: vjachko

This Post:
16055.213 in reply to 16055.212
Date: 3/28/2009 3:06:37 PM
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tegelik Tartu Lakers on III.15 liiga mansa, mida juhib arvuti ja mis võitis eelmise vooru kohtumise. ilmselt pandi mu mehed selle nime all mängima kuna arvutil pole midagi selles küsimuses kobiseda. minu mansa nime edasi viimine peale ühte vahelejäänud vooru oleks ilmselt liiga palju jama tekitanud.

või midagi sellist. eks paistab, mis sellest lõpuks välja tuleb.

From: Kukoc
This Post:
16055.214 in reply to 16055.213
Date: 4/2/2009 12:13:06 PM
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Gusses pani sellesse mängu rohkem kui LaLunaBasket.

Kartsidki et teen sulle tuule alla või?:D

From: inimene
This Post:
16055.215 in reply to 16055.213
Date: 4/2/2009 12:14:28 PM
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Täna võitis tinez karikamängus suurelt Kukoc-i
Edit: Kukoc jõudis ette. :)

Last edited by inimene at 4/2/2009 12:26:35 PM

From: Saints

This Post:
16055.216 in reply to 16055.215
Date: 4/2/2009 12:16:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Mina hävisin, juhuuuuu
