all games are so ... close, maybe not th beautiful games but a really exciting final :)
Great Finals so farin my opinion, concerning both level of play and tension.... It's true, many open Jumpers are missed, but the fact that in 3 out of 4 games it was decided by the last shot just makes up for it. And the defense of both teams we see is incredible with very dynamic and impressive spurts in between, like dallas' one in the fourth quarter last game, although it sometimes seems really tough to increase the level of denfense,but they manage it somehow in the fourth quarter...
I'm just hoping Dööörk manages it this time to win it all, coz it gonna get awfully tough(almost impossible imo) in the next years with Miami, OKC and the Bulls and some other teams stepping up big....
I think he can almost contain his current level of play but his teammates will decline and especially Marion and Terry do rely slightly more on athletic than he does and Kidd.... Well hes 38......
Go get that damn Ring Mavs :-)