I find it kinda funny that the one person beeing most "aggressive" against the concept of tanking is the person who tries to make BB an NBA simulation game. Tanking is the VERY concept of NBA, a league, where you had to invent a lottery, to stop teams from ridicolously trying to lose more than any other. The concepts against tanking therefore should be ...
(1) Add a lottery. Worst record = best pick obviously doesn´t work. Else - skip the draft system and make it a talent academy based youth concept.
(2) Make playoffs more interesting (both in terms of promotion as in terms of finances).
(3) Make demotion for the worst teams more painful than for those "fighting". *
(4) Make sure, teams have a roster (e.g. penatlies for forfeiting games, higher salary floor (EASY to calculate)).
(5) Probably change the league system.
* Still you have to ensure that teams "promoting too early" and beeing in a league that is plainly too strong don´t get crippled. Tricky task.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 1/14/2012 4:36:43 AM
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