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Bribe the referee!?!?

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From: uflorin
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22141.21 in reply to 22141.1
Date: 4/2/2008 8:11:47 AM
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I really don't want these options to stay in the game. It would make a joke from the games, and people that actually try to set their teams properly can get biased results. The one day might be fun, but on the long run i'm opposing these features

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22141.22 in reply to 22141.21
Date: 4/2/2008 9:10:30 AM
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this is hilarious! so many people seem to have a lack of a sense of humor. "there must be an explanation if this continues!" or "this is bad for the game." it's not that big of a deal and it was pretty funny.

This Post:
22141.23 in reply to 22141.22
Date: 4/2/2008 9:33:29 AM
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It was funny for April 1st, yes, but for the future of the game is not.

Don't be so quick to judge people...

There are teams out there that try to set up the team spirit in a way that can give them success for the season and try to promote. Adding a feature that is not documented and that can profoundly affect the result of the games is not something you should laugh at, not with the air of superiority you try to show.

This Post:
22141.24 in reply to 22141.23
Date: 4/2/2008 9:36:14 AM
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i'm not showing an air of superiority i'm just telling people to lighten up.

Last edited by KingCharles at 4/2/2008 9:52:01 AM

This Post:
22141.25 in reply to 22141.23
Date: 4/2/2008 9:37:01 AM
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Have you even tried to select the option bribe the referee???

Try it... you will change your mind :)

This Post:
22141.26 in reply to 22141.23
Date: 4/2/2008 10:10:39 AM
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It was funny for April 1st, yes, but for the future of the game is not.

Don't be so quick to judge people...

There are teams out there that try to set up the team spirit in a way that can give them success for the season and try to promote. Adding a feature that is not documented and that can profoundly affect the result of the games is not something you should laugh at, not with the air of superiority you try to show.

Since April 1st is over, I'll now say that choosing the option doesn't do anything except display an April Fools message.

No one that chose Bribe The Referee actually had their Attitude changed from whatever they set.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
22141.27 in reply to 22141.26
Date: 4/2/2008 10:22:41 AM
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The first thing I did was to try to select those options (maybe just curiosity) but now I´m feeling really evil, as most people did not check it and discover the hidden message...

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
This Post:
22141.28 in reply to 22141.26
Date: 4/2/2008 10:34:05 AM
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That's for the bribe referee, but I saw the players we played last game, they used steroids for sure.

They were way beefed up compared with our previous game!

This Post:
22141.29 in reply to 22141.28
Date: 4/2/2008 10:37:32 AM
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That's for the bribe referee, but I saw the players we played last game, they used steroids for sure.

They were way beefed up compared with our previous game!

Did you make the steroids reference intentionally? (22417.1)

This Post:
22141.30 in reply to 22141.29
Date: 4/2/2008 12:53:08 PM
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I'm sorry, but this thread is way funnier than any joke BB's tried to set up.

I just think it's hilarious how people got all mad about it hahah

they're not even options you can choose (bribing or steroids)!!

come on, its just insane that anyone would actually complain about this, hilarious, once again

This Post:
22141.31 in reply to 22141.30
Date: 4/2/2008 1:08:02 PM
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God's Patience and the human ability of complain are both infinite... therefore I wish the BB developers have a lot of the first thing.

Last edited by Emilio at 4/2/2008 1:08:23 PM

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)