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BB Indonesia > U21 Training

U21 Training

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316065.21 in reply to 316065.20
Date: 8/22/2022 12:13:07 AM
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sure i only want build my team not to promote to IBBL for now... because if i promote to IBBL there is any salary cap.... it will problem in future hahahahahaha

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316065.22 in reply to 316065.21
Date: 8/22/2022 9:42:14 AM
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Mad Mamba Academy
Nah, promosi ke D1 bisa mendatangkan banyak uang. Itu mungkin cara terbaik untuk membawa tim Anda ke level berikutnya.
Jika Anda menang di final D2, Anda akan mendapatkan 400rb$, dan untuk promosi ke D1 1.500.000$. Dengan uang itu Anda dapat membangun gym dan arena, karena arena yang lebih besar menghasilkan lebih banyak uang.
Jadi, proposal saya adalah mulai berinvestasi dalam draft sekarang, untuk dipromosikan ke D1 jika memungkinkan, dan kemudian Anda bisa tank. Menangkan beberapa pertandingan hanya karena para penggemar, tetapi jadilah yang terakhir sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan pemain yang bagus dari draft. Untuk 2 musim, menginvestasikan 10k seminggu ke dalam draft, Anda akan memiliki 50 poin. Tidak cukup untuk membuka semua orang tetapi jika Anda beruntung, Anda akan mendapatkan setidaknya satu orang.


Well, promotion to the D1 can bring you a lot of money. That's probably the best way to bring your team to the next level.
If you win in finals in D2 you will get 400k$, and for promotion to the D1 1.500.000$. With that mony you can build gym and arena, because bigger arena brings more money.
So, my proposal is to start investing in draft now, to get promoted to D1 if possible, and then you can tank. Win few matches just because of the fans, but be the last one so you can get a good player from the draft. For 2 seasons, investing 10k a week into draft, you will have 50 points. Not enough to open everyone but if you will be lucky, you will get at least one guy.

No guts, no glory!
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316065.23 in reply to 316065.22
Date: 9/1/2022 8:24:00 AM
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Mad Mamba Academy

Dari pengalaman saya, saat melatih pemain tetapi juga melatih tim nasional Serbia U21 dan sekarang Indonesia, saya melihat potensi pemain dihabiskan seperti ini ...

- Allstars (potensi 6) akan mencapai potensi mereka pada usia 20 sehingga ketika mereka berusia 21 tahun mereka hanya akan mendapatkan beberapa keterampilan (mungkin kecuali penyerang kecil dengan keterampilan yang seimbang dapat maju ketika 21)
- Perrenial Allstars (potensi 7) mungkin satu musim lagi tetapi mereka pasti tidak dapat bergabung dengan Tim Nasional Senior dari negara yang lebih baik
- Superstar (potensi 8) beberapa musim lagi tetapi tidak dapat bergabung dengan Tim Nasional Senior di negara-negara terbaik
- MVP+ (potensi 9+) bisa banyak dilatih. Saya saat ini melatih MVP pada usia 27, dia mendapatkan 2, atau 3 keterampilan per musim sekarang tetapi dia sudah memiliki 139 TSP.

Menurut ini, saya mencoba untuk menghindari memanggil potensi 6 ke tim nasional U21 karena semua orang lain akan menjadi lebih baik dari dia di musim itu. Para pemain itu hanya bisa berguna di awal musim, setelah itu tanpa pop-up, mereka akan menjadi yang terburuk di tim.

Misalnya, 2 musim yang lalu, tetapi juga ketika dia berusia 20 tahun, kami memiliki pemain ini di Tim Nasional U21 [pemain=49324044]. Dia memiliki keterampilan dalam yang luar biasa tetapi mereka memakan seluruh potensinya ketika dia berusia 21 tahun meskipun dia memiliki potensi 7 dan tidak berkembang apa pun musim itu...

Jika Anda memiliki pendapat atau pengalaman yang berbeda, silakan bagikan di sini, semoga bermanfaat.


From my experience, while training players but also coaching the Serbian U21 national team and now Indonesian, I see players' potential be spent like this...

- Allstars (pot 6) will reach their potential at age of 20 so when they will be 21 they will get only a few skills (maybe except small forwards with well-balanced skills can progress when 21)
- Perrenial Allstars (pot 7) maybe one more season but they for sure can't join the Senior National Team of better countries
- Superstars (pot 8) a few more seasons but cannot join Senior National Team in the best countries
- MVP+ (pot 9+) can be trained a lot. I am currently training MVP at his 27, he gets 2, or 3 skills a season now but he already has 139 TSP.

According to this, I am trying to avoid calling potential 6 to the U21 national team because all other guys will become better than him in that season. Those players can be useful only at the beginning of the season, after that without pop-ups, they will be the worst on the team.

For example, 2 seasons ago, but also when he was 20 years old, we had this player on U21 National Team (49324044). He had incredible inside skills but they ate whole his potential when he was 21 even though he was potential 7 and progressed nothing that season...

If you have a different opinion or experience, please share it here, it can be beneficial.

Last edited by LA-Мартиненко at 9/1/2022 8:32:31 AM

No guts, no glory!
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316065.24 in reply to 316065.11
Date: 5/8/2024 4:48:13 AM
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Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
Hai, saya baru saja datang untuk mengirim forum ini ke satu pengguna dan melihat pesan baru. Mungkin karena Anda tidak menjawab saya, mereka hilang... Sekarang sudah terlambat bagi Anda tetapi saya akan menulis di sini agar orang lain dapat membacanya... Maaf untuk itu!

Dasar-dasarnya adalah memiliki pelatih minimal 4 (5 lebih disukai) menurut saya. Bagi pemain berusia 18-19 tahun, boleh saja memiliki pelatih muda, namun hanya sebagai tambahan. Gym akan menambahkan lebih banyak pelatihan acak untuk peserta pelatihan Anda. Jadi, jika Anda memiliki peserta pelatihan yang berusia 18-19 tahun, Anda harus memilih pelatih remaja, dan ketika Anda punya uang, Anda dapat membangun gym ke level 3...


Hey, I just came to send this forum to one user and saw new messages. Probably because you didn't answer me they were lost... Now it is too late for you but I will write here so others can read it... Sorry for that!

The basics are to have a trainer of at least 4 (5 is preferable) I would say. For players that are 18-19 years old, it is OK to have a youth trainer but just as an addition. The gym will add more random training to your trainees. So, if you have trainees that are 18-19 years old you should go with a youth trainer, and when you will have money you can build the gym to level 3...

No guts, no glory!
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316065.25 in reply to 316065.24
Date: 8/24/2024 7:52:41 AM
Metro Prodigy
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Boger United BC
nice guide and effort for translation...

but i think it will be better if keep it in english or consult with our LA

i.e we still said Center for Center not "Pusat",
and perhaps in term of sentences few of will be confusing.

not check it somehow, because i skip it to english version.

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316065.26 in reply to 316065.25
Date: 8/26/2024 5:43:41 AM
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Mad Mamba Academy
Hello, thanks for the feedback. I am glad you find it useful.

I used Google to translate this thing, and I know it is not the best, but that's all I could do. Anyone is free to translate if there is a time, I would appreciate it.

As always, an invite is still there for anyone to join the conversation about tactics, the team and opponents. Writing to forums also, now it is like I am writing to myself. I expect to start fighting with myself on the forums just to be more interesting

No guts, no glory!
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316065.27 in reply to 316065.26
Date: 8/26/2024 6:27:13 PM
Metro Prodigy
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Second Team:
Boger United BC
most of our recently member are using apps, which forum is not yet available there.

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316065.28 in reply to 316065.27
Date: 8/27/2024 4:28:38 AM
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Second Team:
Mad Mamba Academy
That can be a problem...

No guts, no glory!
This Post:
316065.29 in reply to 316065.28
Date: 8/27/2024 8:37:41 AM
Metro Prodigy
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Boger United BC
i dunno what season apps launched and why forum not yet implemented...

simple ways perhaps using webview at their new android form, and auto login to forum

Last edited by BocåhPêmulà at 8/27/2024 8:38:09 AM