Hi to all .Has been some time since i didn't wrote something about NT progress so i ll say few words .
Vietnam game.
Sometimes i don't understand game engine.Yesterday they almost beat Australia ,ok with 2 gears of enthusiasm above .Ct vs low .But also they were close.And Australia is a strong team.
With us.I thought wil be a win ,i played low enthusiasm to preserve it,they played normal.I guessed their both offensive tactic and rythm ,put in lineup best OD and still beat us.In second quarter they had an 15-0 run which is not very common at NT level and that was it.Their strating center has no defense 2 od 16 ID ,has 97 TSP.He would not be selected in Malaysian team ,but still they beat us unexplicably in my opinion.
New Zeland.Unfortunately i played normal (and lost a chance to gain enthusiasm)because a defeat at that moment would leave us without chances at qualifying,i thought maybe they will play CT .Ayway we won the game without many problems.
Iknew we are the better team ,but also i knew the same thing with Vietnam and we lost against them.
Here i was a bit surprised ,i have to admit.Indeed i played normal they played Low enthusiasm (wise choice for them) but we were in front all game long.For them in not a big deal that they lost but for us it means that we are 90% qualified.
The difference was made by the free throws and reserves .For us they delivered well .
Macau .I expect an win here .
I dont think New Zealand have enough to beat Philliphines .
Please keep the game shapes at high level .This week i had the best GS for players.Almost all players were 8-9 at this chapter.For that i must thank all managers which have players in NT.
Also i have to declare my dissapointment regarding training.Only one player popped in this season even if there are players that can be improved..The on;y player which pops is trained by an chinese manager and is on Tl almost all time at a high price.I tried to convince him to lower the price (2.8 Mil) but i see that he still keep that price.
All the best for all.