BTW, 13 teams currently over 600k.
Lets say 4 teams tank 4 semi tank 8 try hard. Those in playoffs will have a real challenge. Therefor making it harder to win, meaning not all about salary but more about tactics. Just saying, it may or may not improve the toughness when it comes to playoffs, making the winner fight the whole way. This means, a cash reward makes it more worth while to try harder and may feel more worthy of the title.
There is an inbalance now and there still will be if this system comes into play. At the end of the the day, I do believe that winning the title will be more interesting and difficult if a cash incentive were to be included. This being the top div, just like any other top div, should mean everything when trying to become the champion.
I see too many teams sell up late in the season beacause they do not believe that they can achieve that goal of winning. So they shut up shop to try and save cash for another seasons when it feels right. You, me, and fish play a similar style to this. If there were a cash bonus, would you go for the title?
Strategy plays a big part of what we do. That's why some tank from the begining, some semi tank, some just go for it, and so on. At the end of the day, wont a cash incentive make teams work harder, therefor making playoffs more interesting?
Last edited by pete at 8/10/2013 12:34:24 AM