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Training Minute Management

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121301.23 in reply to 121301.22
Date: 12/9/2009 8:40:42 AM
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Play your trainees for more than 1 game, or be prepared to live with the loss of minutes is precisely what I follow. When it comes to training, it is advice I would give to anyone.

Sorry to pile on here, but in a one position training program, this is just a risk you have to take. The key is setting your line-up properly so that 95% of the time you get 48 minutes for your training slot.

He was just complaining that sometimes he ends up with 47 minutes for his best trainee. Sure, it is a fact of life that single position trainers have to live with. But with 47 minutes my advice would not be to play him in another game. The difference in lost training for your 3rd trainee is just not worth it.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
121301.24 in reply to 121301.22
Date: 12/9/2009 8:57:19 AM
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I couldve stayed silent and contributed more than posting the response you did.

I felt it wise to draw others attention to the fact there is no way you would play a trainee for 47mins and then include him in another game the same week to try and get him over his 48mins. NO WAY.

At best your comment was misleading and I would hazard a guess that 99/100 experienced users would accept the slight shortfall and concentrate on trying to give someone else 48mins that same week rather than playing the 47min guy again (and likely getting him at least 4-6mins thus leaving your next guy on 42-44mins at very best)

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121301.26 in reply to 121301.25
Date: 12/9/2009 9:12:50 AM
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I felt it wise to draw others attention to the fact there is no way you would play a trainee for 47mins and then include him in another game the same week to try and get him over his 48mins. NO WAY.

Sure. But there is a way to organize your training so that your trainee plays in 2 games, which is a way not to be worried about playing 47 minutes most of the time.

I don't quite see how your post draws the attention to this, by the way. Unless you meant to make sure that these posts won't be missed because of the bickering that would ensue.

if i play my trainees in two games, normally one of the two trainees participating have time struggle ;) that they both share they playing time exactly 50:50 is very very rare.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 12/9/2009 9:13:40 AM

This Post:
121301.28 in reply to 121301.27
Date: 12/9/2009 9:21:44 AM
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I don't see why you think you're piling on. See the bolded part of my post

Basically - I agree with Superfly and Crazyeye on this one. Splitting the minutes for 2 players over 2 games just doesn't work, unless you are 2 position training and only training 5 players. Even then, I try to get some of my players the full 48 minutes early in the week, so I don't have to worry about them later in the week.

Also, your take is that it is hard to get 48 minutes. My take is that you should be able to do it 95% of the time and that the remaining 5% is an annoyance that I can live with.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
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121301.30 in reply to 121301.22
Date: 12/11/2009 10:05:28 AM
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isnt it annoying when u play your best trainee and he ends up with 47 mins

Try playing him in more than 1 game.

Why not give some advice that you would actually follow yourself?

What a worthless contribution.

Play your trainees for more than 1 game, or be prepared to live with the loss of minutes is precisely what I follow. When it comes to training, it is advice I would give to anyone.

What exactly is the worth of your contribution in this post, by the way?

You did gave a very bad advice the rest dosen't matter. i just hope you didn't want to hurt other's tream on purpose by giving them bad advices.

This Post:
121301.31 in reply to 121301.30
Date: 12/11/2009 5:21:48 PM
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If the goal is to maximize training for the greatest possible number of players, then Kodlozevs advice missed, but it is not neccesarily bad. I value the training very differently for my players (1 above everyone else, 2 more than the rest, 1 I try to give 48+ whenever possible, and 2-3 that get spare minutes whenever it fits my schedule), and for my 1-3 most valued players I sometimes play them in several matches (like Kodlozevs advice). Especially when I face hard competition. I have to take Kodlozevs advice in defence, because it all comes down to playing style and what each manager choose to focus on. So even if it is a widespread opinion that maximising training for the greatest possible number of players, it is not automatically bad advice because it does not fit your style. Notice how i made opinion in italic, because we must not mix up opinions with truth. Truth is there are different approaches, only 1)knowledge, 2)experience, 3)circumstance and 4)personal preference should decide what ways and options each of us choose to pursue.

To everyone that did not like Kodlozevs advice: Try to be a little more constructive and give your own advices instead of just dismissing others advices. You are not helping by missioneering ONE particular playstyle.
Clarification: He also just said that to be certain to get 48+ minutes you could field your player in more than 1 match. This does not sound strange to me. BB's have said several times that minute management is not supposed to be easy as 1-2-3, so this is sound advice in many ways. Also, the numbers I hear on how much training effect you lose by having less (i.e.47vs44,5) minutes is news to me presented as facts. Can I get a link to the study or some info on what these numbers are based on? The training minutes have been stated not to be linear. ->(435.18) (381.802)