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NT coach dismiss

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From: Elandor
This Post:
12157.22 in reply to 12157.21
Date: 1/15/2008 12:52:12 PM
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Our NT-coach has become a bot too some days ago. Do we really have to wait for one season more until we get a new one?

From: Bevzil
This Post:
12157.23 in reply to 12157.11
Date: 1/21/2008 6:42:02 AM
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Our NT-Coach, Eldin, just became officially inactive and his team turned to bot... Are we gonna get new elections NOW??? We've been waiting for a long time already...

From: LA-Niko

This Post:
12157.24 in reply to 12157.23
Date: 1/21/2008 6:19:55 PM
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I think this is happening at the beginning of the new season.

Still waiting on news about this from the BBs

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
From: Bevzil

This Post:
12157.25 in reply to 12157.24
Date: 1/21/2008 7:02:28 PM
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I really hope we'll get the new elections soon...

From: KifaH

This Post:
12157.26 in reply to 12157.25
Date: 1/21/2008 7:04:13 PM
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If elections will be held at the begining of the new season, it is till better than wait another season:)

From: Bevzil

This Post:
12157.27 in reply to 12157.26
Date: 1/21/2008 7:13:55 PM
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It wouldn't be fair from BBs to let us wait the whole season... The difference between other NTs and ours would be really big... We played only one NT scrimmage...

If they give us elections at the start of the season, great... That's two weeks away...

From: Asasasa

This Post:
12157.28 in reply to 12157.27
Date: 1/21/2008 7:41:22 PM
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The Czech Republic ended up quite badly too. Their GM hadnt scheduled a scrimmage during his tenure and he was botified today. They are last in NT rankings because of that.

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From: jimrtex

This Post:
12157.30 in reply to 12157.24
Date: 1/21/2008 10:53:19 PM
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I still think it would be best to hold new elections for all the countries that missed out advancing (50 of 74 have been eliminated), with an election for a potentially 3 season term. They should now be looking towards the next qualification that starts in Season 5. But now they are lame ducks, with any talent that they develop being used by the next coach.

If the coach has been doing a good job, but the team missed advancing; there is a reasonable chance that he can be re-elected if he wants to keep going. And if he is so-so about wanting to continue, he has a graceful way to exit. And if the coach is now gone, or isn't really trying, a new coach will be elected without the BB having to intervene.

From: Pallu

This Post:
12157.31 in reply to 12157.18
Date: 1/21/2008 10:58:50 PM
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No, the 2nd is not a good idea... I'll tell you why... For Bosnia & Herzegovina, this is the first BB season... And as soon as we came here, there were NT elections... We were thrown into it, literally... Of course, we chose the one 'sweet talk' candidate, since no one had any experience... But now the things are different... We do know something about the game, we have a season behind us... Our NT-coach is inactive for a month, we are waiting for his team to become a bot... We should have a new elections, cause now we know who the 'serious' players are... And by the way, the 2nd one is inactive as well...

1.) I am very much in favour of a fast replacement of bitified/banned NT-Coaches. I do not see any sense of demotivating a young local community by having the NT run by ghosts.

2.) In my humble opinion it must absolutely be the runner-up who becomes next coach, and that is exactly because of your arguments and not in spite of them. Reason: the learning curve you described is also valid for nations with an active coach... ! And they must live with the elected coach, even if today they might take a different decision. So eliminate the disadvantage: yes. Give a clear advantage: no.

From: Bevzil

This Post:
12157.32 in reply to 12157.31
Date: 1/22/2008 12:31:01 AM
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No, the runner-up in BiH logs every 3 or 4 weeks, so he's not a good solution... Winner and 3rd from the elections are inactive now, and all the others had just 1 or 2 votes... We need new elections...

And I don't see why we shouldn't have them... We are already in big disadvantage by not having played NT scrimmages, missed a lot of NT points... And we should get something for that... And I can't see what kind of clear advantage we would have if you know that the whole season ahead of us is full of scrimmages only... It's not like we're going to compete for the World Cup :)

Edit: Following your logic, the countries that have been in BB from the beginning are in HUUUUUUGE advantage... We should do something about it :)

Edited by Bevzil (1/22/2008 12:36:27 AM CET)

Last edited by Bevzil at 1/22/2008 12:36:27 AM
