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Season Ticket Holders

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From: CrazyEye

To: ned
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123212.22 in reply to 123212.21
Date: 12/17/2009 6:21:34 PM
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The BB team has stated that they want a noticeable difference between divisions.

the thing that i am running 200k profit each week, last season and third division team around 30k - i don't know when we get back to an equilibrium but with the flexible salaries it takes a while and at east in our top division we know each other.

And wouldn't a smaller difference, not still noticeable?(if ned falls from 4000 to 2000 - a drop from 4000 to 3000 is for example noticeable in my eyes)

In addiction if in the first division we can easily earn 200k/week and in second maybe 100k/week the noticeable difference will be bigger and bigger. In Italy there are always the same teams in serie A often teams that was relegated in second division go back after one season in A. After 4 seasons in top division I've decided to sell all the players and to try to train the young players but with the money did last season (for the sale but also thanks to the huge profit I had every week) I could win quite easily this season. Imho I prefer top division = more glory less money

+1 in germany it is the same, but we are lucky this season to get three new faces, but the chanches are high that we are sending then back immediately.

This Post:
123212.23 in reply to 123212.20
Date: 12/17/2009 6:22:37 PM
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How did you learn that much about it?

Well, for last 7 seasons I made research of STH for 10 different teams :)

This Post:
123212.24 in reply to 123212.23
Date: 12/17/2009 6:27:03 PM
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How did you learn that much about it?

Well, for last 7 seasons I made research of STH for 10 different teams :)

Great! STH increase/decrease over the season and has some bonus/penalties for promotion and relegation or it simply varies (bonus included) at the end? If the former is the answer, do you know an aprox. rate for Div. I and II?

How many fans do you lose/win for promotion and relegation? (I believe it depends on division and the actual STH you have before promotion/relagation)

Many questions but thanks in advice.

Last edited by Zero, the Magi. at 12/17/2009 6:27:39 PM

This Post:
123212.25 in reply to 123212.15
Date: 12/17/2009 6:28:14 PM
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MAX NUMBER OF SEASON TICKET HOLDERS IS AROUND 4100. And if you wanna have 4100 sth's you must win 1st league, national cup + B3.

So if you won only league, and lose in semi-final of national cup then you will have around 4040 sth's.

In 2nd level league max number of STH is 2800.

STH for me this season; 4080. It's only down from here.....pesky glory hunters.

From: ned

This Post:
123212.26 in reply to 123212.22
Date: 12/17/2009 6:29:50 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
Then we have to consider that BB is a "static" game, there isn't a natural turnover, often teams stay in the same league for 3-6 seasons. If you're in the best divisions this could be acceptable but if you are in V division you can see the first one as I can see Nicole Kidman naked in my bed with my wife outside for shopping
I can't say the system must be changed but I think that if BB would like to keep or to increase people this is matter that BBs will have to discuss one day

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
This Post:
123212.27 in reply to 123212.26
Date: 12/17/2009 6:33:34 PM
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5 balls.

This Post:
123212.28 in reply to 123212.24
Date: 12/17/2009 6:43:19 PM
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First, STH is different after every game! At end of season that number that you can see is just snapshot of STH on that day.
If you win a game STH will grow, if you lose then it'll drop ;)

Max number of STH in 1st league is 4080 :)

Max level in 2nd league is 2800.

If you drop from 1st to 2nd league you will lose about 1000-1500 fans (it depends how many them you had before and what was your score in season).
If you promote to 1st league again you will about 1000 fans.

For lower divisions I really don't know :)

@ Superfly Guy:
yes actually the max number of STH that I got in my research was 4080, but I believed that maybe if it would have better win-lose score that STH will be higher. But obviously not :)

From: ned

To: Ozzy
This Post:
123212.29 in reply to 123212.28
Date: 12/17/2009 6:53:26 PM
Freccia Azzurra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
If you drop from 1st to 2nd league you will lose about 1000-1500 fans (it depends how many them you had before and what was your score in season).

No, as written above I had exactly 3980 fans last season and 1922 fans this season. Tell me that this is bug, please!!! :p

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
From: Ozzy

To: ned
This Post:
123212.30 in reply to 123212.29
Date: 12/17/2009 7:00:49 PM
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Hmmm... that is 2000 fans. For my research that is bug. But you made one big thing! :)

You sold all your star players ;)

So probably that is the reason of those 500 fans.

In Fan Survey there is option that says:

"I am familiar with the star players, and am not afraid that they will be transferre"

So probably this sentence is answer on your lose :)

From: ned

To: Ozzy
This Post:
123212.31 in reply to 123212.30
Date: 12/17/2009 7:05:55 PM
Freccia Azzurra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
2,5 balls on it because last sale was 1 month an half ago
I think and I hope BB see which kind of team you've dunno if related to the salaries or the country rank (and in this case I hope not) probably the GE understood that I was joking and not playing and he jokes with me

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -