You are talking about 3-4 people bidding. With auto-bid you would have 5000 hidden bids to compare. Are you saying it does not matter for server load?
you only had to compare too, because you could go instantly to the final bid.
Player X is on tl for 1k
A biddng 100k
B bidding 50 k
After A bids, he leads with 2k, if B bids you are automatic on 51k and if then someone new bids you had to compare it with it. If B doesn't have a auto bid and make it with minum steps - you will have A 2k, B 3k, A4k ... (50 steps, if a bids automatics you wuld have also 50 steps with, but much more traffic).
And everytime to auto bids fight it is very good for server load ;)