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Suggestions > AllStar Private League

AllStar Private League

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From: JW

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142936.22 in reply to 142936.16
Date: 5/6/2010 11:27:53 PM
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that is an AWESOME idea!! Either a 1 or 2 player limit would be fair for everyone in the PL All Star Team. It will showcase the skill set available for a particular Private League.

This encourages everyone in a particular private league alliance to train players up well & in line with what everyone else in teh Alliance is doing.


From: Naker Virus

To: JW
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142936.23 in reply to 142936.22
Date: 5/7/2010 2:16:32 AM
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I think a 2 player limit is better. So make it that you can have 5 to 8 teams. I feel the alliances should be a close community sort of group, and once you start going more than 8 it starts getting big. Also 8 is the number of teams in a conference.

I feel that having 2 players from each team is better because if you only have 1 player then you are somewhat attached to the progress of the alliance, but if you have 2 players you are more likely to watch as you are more involved.

From: Kilrtom

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142936.25 in reply to 142936.1
Date: 5/8/2010 8:14:06 AM
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Cool idea. Also how about All-Star teams from each division taking on other divisions? hmmm sounds better n better!

Manager of the Bahamas National Team!