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Suggestions > Sound in games

Sound in games

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199407.22 in reply to 199407.20
Date: 10/30/2011 9:42:48 AM
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So, which plug-in are we now talking about?

From: rcvaz

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199407.23 in reply to 199407.21
Date: 10/30/2011 3:08:56 PM
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Point is, why blurt one idea that popped into your head when you can blurt 5000?

This Post:
199407.24 in reply to 199407.22
Date: 10/30/2011 6:55:10 PM
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A plug-in that will identify the information sent, and translate it to voice which is part of that plug-in.

There can be many solutions.
Another one is to have the game downloaded with all the media - voice and "video" as part of it.

The first is defining how much a feature is needed.
As I wrote (more than once), this is a "nice to have" feature but one that will add to the game experience.
Game-experience and User-Friendly are things that are improtant on any product.

Does it worth the job?
Neither of us know what are the capabilities of the developers, their priority, the OS they are using, etc.
This seconds part is for them to define.

This Post:
199407.26 in reply to 199407.25
Date: 10/30/2011 9:10:08 PM
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Maybe someone could develop a firefox plugin, with buttons on the top, and you make the noises yourself!

YEAH! Thats an AWESOME idea. i might go build that actually.

This Post:
199407.27 in reply to 199407.24
Date: 10/31/2011 12:36:09 AM
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A plug-in that will identify the information sent, and translate it to voice which is part of that plug-in.

There can be many solutions.
Another one is to have the game downloaded with all the media - voice and "video" as part of it.

And you don't feel these are major developments (and changes to how BB works and is operated) and insist this is a simple feature to add?

This Post:
199407.28 in reply to 199407.27
Date: 11/1/2011 7:21:26 AM
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1) I didn't insisted that it is simple.
I wrote that I'm not that familiar with that, but I do believe it is a simple one.

2) Adding voice to a file (the game view) at the server side (as I wrote as one of the options), does not sound to hard.

3) Again (and again), as far as I know it (and w/o disrespect), you are not one of the development-team of this game (as well as I'm not one of them). So, neither of us don't have the enough knowledge of what their limitations and priorities are.

Hence, I believe that this part of is it feasible is not the goal of this forums.

These forums are for bringing ideas, developing them from the general and elementary ideas to the composed and full one.

This Post:
199407.29 in reply to 199407.25
Date: 11/1/2011 7:26:12 AM
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Well if it has to be download, it's not user-friendly. Not at all.

It's like writing that early cellular phones were not user friendly as they are not using touch screen, Apps etc.

The voice addition is improvement to the current state, and will add to the game both in combining it to a more multimedia game and making it more alive.
It also will allow users that cannot see a game due to lack of time an ability to know what happens there (and not just the box-score).

This Post:
199407.30 in reply to 199407.29
Date: 11/1/2011 9:00:49 AM
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You have no idea what it takes to add sound to different events within equation. Please do not state that is easy to implement (while you know nothing about it). If you want music while browsing BB, it can be done pretty easily, but it will make every page refresh restart it or create unneeded traffic (download per page) that it becomes pointless. Remember this game is also played by people who are playing with bad connections (dial-up, crappy internet cafe, mobile connections etc). Some of them have trouble browsing forums if some managers are posting, who have running animation logos/banners. Not everyone has 100mb up and down (like me) for example. Also you have to remember that even if you are logged in you do not maintain an active connection to buzzerbeater. If you want real time, you have to spam the refresh button to get updates coming constantly. That is why you can not add sound to auction ending/outbidding etc.
If you want to listen to music, use winamp. You can't have outbid sounds just because of the refresh issues. Unless you write a program that refreshes constantly and plays a sound if the number on rowXXX has changed. To you superprogrammer, this would be an easy task.

Last edited by Kukoc at 11/1/2011 9:02:51 AM

This Post:
199407.31 in reply to 199407.30
Date: 11/1/2011 9:48:19 AM
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Also you have to remember that even if you are logged in you do not maintain an active connection to buzzerbeater. If you want real time, you have to spam the refresh button to get updates coming constantly.

Well, on this part I know for sure that your wrong.
The "live view" of the games are just that - "real-time" connection and update.

Hence, as I wrote, you can add another short information that an additional plug-in could read and use a sound that is part of that plug-in.

Again, another option is to have the game live-view recorded with sound at the server and send it as part of the live-view, or by downloading it.

One more thing;
As the live-view is... live (meaning, RT), and as sound is low rate data (especially the first step of calling score change).
And as I guess it is not higher that the data sent for displaying the page.
Due to all that, I believe that the cost here is very low.

Last thing;
As I wrote in another forum, neither of us is a developer of this site.
As such, we do not know exactly what can and cannot be done.
We do not know their priorities.
So, this forums here should only be about suggesting feature and discussing their need (this suggestion is only a "nice to have", as I wrote).
The effort and cost are for the developers to define.

This Post:
199407.32 in reply to 199407.31
Date: 11/1/2011 10:29:46 AM
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Well, on this part I know for sure that your wrong.
The "live view" of the games are just that - "real-time" connection and update.
For your knowledge the game you are watching have already been played by game engine in those 15 minutes prior your "live" watch time. So there is actually no possibilty of watching the game happen live. Obviously there are ways to add sound files to different events, but I think it's a lot more work than you presume. It's not a simple equation and the game viewer is not really bugfree.
Stop speculating/estimating how easy things are, if you actually have no experience in that field.
There are plenty of instructions online for adding sounds in java or flash. If you manage to produse a small simple game with events and sounds added to them (not coming from mouse clicks, button presses or just backround music), then I might take you a bit more seriously...
