no. taller players train faster than small ones.
Yeah I've seen the numbers but I remain skeptical since it differs from the general rule that tall players train slow in guard skills. Do those numbers take into account the elastic effect since most bigs have higher HA than PA so it will always profit from elastic effect, while small players actually get a negative there. In any case, it supports the point I was trying to make that it's easier to train the PG defending as C.
ID 7 will be hard to keep it that low
I'm aware of the secondary training, but you can take that into account when finding your player. A bit more ID doesn't hurt and at worst he'll cost 60k and need Superstar, but that's still very managable.
Just looking to other ways of playing though can turn this around.
This is what I'm trying to do, and I like your idea of defensive specalists with other players carrying the offense. It's a step in the direction I'm trying to go.